Chapter 32

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Katniss and Clove POV:

We sat down beside my boyfriend.

"Everything alright?" They asked.
"yea, I just need to tell you something."
"Well I'm all ears."
We took a deep breath.
"I'm pregnant." We stated.
"Your pregnant?" They asked.
we nodded.
"Here." we handed them the test.

" we handed them the test

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Clove POV:

"Oh my God. This is amazing."
Cato picked me up and twirled me around.
"How long?" He asked setting me down.
"Two months."
Cato smiled.
"So your not mad?" I asked.
"Of course I'm not. I'm delighted. We're, we're going to be parents."
I nodded with tears in my eyes.
"I love you so much." He said pulling me into a hug.
"I love you too." I smiled as tears of joy rolled  down my cheek.

katniss POV:

Josh looked at me in shock.
"Josh? Josh?"

I moved to the side slightly and he followed me. 
He just looked at me.
"Ok. Whenever your ready."
I took a magazine from the table and flipped through it. I looked up at him.
"And your the father by the way. but you get it, you get it." I said leaning forward before back.

Cato and Clove walked in. They looked at Josh.
"He's gone into shock I think?" I explained.
 They nodded and looked at him. he was looking in the direction of Clove and Cato but not exactly at them.
"Can I get you some water?" Clove asked.
"No, No I'm good. Just a shock." He cleared his throat.
"Josh. I know it was unexpected but I, I, I am happy about this and I hope you are too." I explained.
"yea. And if it helps, myself and Clove are expecting too." Cato smiled.
"We're, we're going to be parents?"
"Yea." I nodded, smiling slightly.
"We're going to be parents!!" He picked me up and spun me around.
I smiled with tears in my eyes.
"How far along are you?"
"two months."
He smiled.
"I can't believe it. we're going to be parents. Oh i love you so much." He said hugging me.
"I love you too." I smiled.

We pulled apart and Clove and Josh hugged and me and Cato hugged.

Cato and Josh POV:

"Actually, we have something to say as well." We said.
The girls nodded. we took a deep breath and pulled out a small box. We got down on one knee and the girls gasped with their hands over their mouths.

"Katniss,Clove, we have known you guys since we were babies and we want to spend the rest of our lives." Cato started.
"will you do us the greatest honour, of becoming our brides." Josh finished.

They girls looked at each other before looking at us.
"Yes!!" They cried.
We got up and kissed them before placing the ring on their finger and hugging them.
"I love you, my fiance." They smiled.
"I love you too baby." We smiled at each other before they pulled away and examined each others rings.

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