Christmas special day 6

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Katniss POV:

"Hey Katniss

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"Hey Katniss."
"Aro was wondering if you could go to the Cullens."
"Alec"I groaned.
"Come on. It won't be that bad."
I glared at him.
"Talk to them."
I sighed but got up and made my way to them.

Edward POV:

"family meeting." carlisle called.
I got off the bed and walked to his and Esmes room to see them all already there.
"What is it carlisle?" Rosalie asked.
"Katniss is coming to talk to us. Don't push her when she does."

Knock knock. Carlisle walked and opened the door.
"Hello Katniss, come on in."
She walked in and stood in the middle of the room.
"Sit down."
"I'm just here to talk Carlisle, noting more."
"Thank you for coming." Esme said as carlisle sat beside her.
She just nodded.
"So, what now?"Emmet asked after a couple of moments silence.
"Why did you leave?" Katniss asked.
"I lost control. I didn't want to hurt you and the family thought it would be best to leave for a while."
"We never expected you to leave to here." Rose said.
katniss sniffed a bit.
"I want to forgive you but I don't know how. You hurt me so bad and I wished more then anything that you would come back. But no, you stayed away and didn't come back. And I hate you for it."
"Will you ever forgive us?" I asked.
"I dunno."
She ran out leaving us in the quite.

Katniss POV:

I ran to my room and buried myself onto the bed. I screamed and cried until I had noting left. I stayed like that until I fell asleep.

Felix POV:

I heard crying and screaming and instantly knew it was Katniss. I went to see what was wrong and seen she was asleep. I smiled before walking over and covering her with the blankets. I went to leave but she grabbed my hand.

"Stay." She mumbled.
"ALways." I said lying next to her.

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