Christmas special day 9

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Katniss POV:

"Thanks Felix

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"Thanks Felix. I'll seya tomorrow." I hugged my brother after jumping off his back.
"Yea. Be safe. And enjoy yourself." He smiled.
"Yea. Bye."
He kissed my cheek and ran off.

I walked up to the door and knocked. I heard someone shout coming before the door opened and revealed my friend. She looked at me in shock before quickly recovering.

"Katniss!!" She squeled and hugged me.
"Hey Clove." I laughed and hugged back.
"It's been a while." SHe said pulling back.
"That it has."
"Come in come in. The boys are in the living room."

We walked to her living room and the boys were there with their back facing us. I placed my finger to my lips and she nodded. I then jumped covered each of their eyes.

"Guess who." I smiled and a very low voice.
"Miss Relch?" Cato asked.
Clove laughed.
"Nope." I took my hands down and they looked back to us.

"Katniss." Josh said and jumped up before spinning me around.
I laughed. Josh put me down and Cato hugged me.
"Hey boys." I smiled.
"What you doing here?" Cato asked as we all sat down.
"My visit was long over due." I said looking at Josh.
Cato and Clove looked between us. 
"Did you?" Cato asked Josh pointing at me.
Clove squealed as Josh nodded.
"About time man, fair play to ya." Cato said clapping him on the back.
We all laughed and caught up on what was going on.

"Hey, there is a Christmas eve party being held in the Volturi castle, do you guys want to come?"
"Are we aloud?"
"Yea. Aro told me i could invite you guys. He said and I quote 'a friend of yours is a friend of ours. They are always welcome'."
"Well then, yea, sure." Clove smiled.

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