Christmas special day 16

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Katniss POV:

"Come on sunshine, get up. We have more decorating to do." Alice said skipping over and pulling the blinds with Rose leaning against the door.
"I don't think I can help today Alice." I groaned.
"Why not?" She whined.
As if on cue I jumped up and ran to the bathroom. I threw up and felt some one push my hair back. Once finished I leaned onto the bath and looked up to see Rose. I smiled weakly.
"Don't be sorry. Come on. Let's get you cleaned up and back to bed."

i lay back on the bed and Alice walked over to me.
"Now you rest. I'll have Carlisle check on you later."

They left the room and I eventually fell back asleep.

"Well your temperature seems lower then earlier. i say rest for now and then I will see how you do tomorrow." Carlisle said.
I smiled but then had to run to the bathroom. i threw up what little I had for breakfast. Carlisle held my hair back and rubbed my back.
"That's it. Get it all up." He said softly.
I pushed up against the back once I finished and groaned.
"Uggh, I hate being sick." I groaned.
"I know. Come on, back to bed." He smiled softly.

He helped me back into bed and left the room. I closed my eyes and tossed and turned myself to sleep.

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