chapter 12

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Katniss POV
Dear Katniss,
We are so sorry to leave without saying goodbye but you have to understand it's for your own good. Think of it as a good thing, you can live a life free from protective brothers and have a chance to live on your own, you were always telling us you wanted to. Don't be saddened we that we have left, we may see each other again, we are immortal after all.

You were like a daughter Carlisle and Esme could never have, a sister the others could never have. You were the light to our darkest days. You helped us when we needed it most. You put us before you, even when it was a danger. We will forever be glad we were on the road where we found you.
We never told you this, but congratulations on finding your brother. We know how much he meant to you, Dementri too. Don't ignore them because of us, they lived your human life with you.
We understand if you don't answer our messages or calls. By the time you read this we will be gone from Forks. We will be back again, we always do.Don't wait for us thouh, it will be many years before we do. Enjoy prom, do what you want to do with your life.
Always in our hearts,
The Cullens

They left me. After everything we done together, they left. I noticed a bag on the kitchen table. I walked over to it. Inside was a necklace that said babygirl, a dress, high heels, ring, perfume, coat, shirt and make up brushes.

 Inside was a necklace that said babygirl, a dress, high heels, ring, perfume, coat, shirt and make up brushes

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I placed the bag on my bed and put on the necklace and ring. I texted Clove and said I'd meet with them at the beach. I changed and walked to the beach.

Clove had brought lunch so we sat at the rocks and ate

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Clove had brought lunch so we sat at the rocks and ate. We caught up with our lives and talked about prom. I was going with Josh and Clove was going with Cato.Clove was going to get ready at mine and the guys would pick us up there. Clove started doing the cup tappy thing and we all joined in. I started singing 'I don't wanna live forever'. I got home at 3 and seen a miss call on the house phone. Edward. I just ignored it and rang Felix. He picked up on the second ring.

"Hey big bro"
"Hey sis. How are you?"
"Alright. You?"
"Can't complain. What's up?"
"Proms tommorow"
"And your calm?"
"Yeah. Why wouldn't I be?"
"Well, for one, Alice is a fashion maniac and two, if it was Heidi, she would be panicking. Oww"
"Yea, when you go to many proms you begin to not care. Hey Heidi"
"Felix, put the phone on speaker. Hi K. Who's the lucky guy"
"Who says I'm going with anyone"
"Your hardly going alone. Someone like you must have guys falling at your feet."
"Haha. Very funny. And his name is Josh."
I heard two squeals at the other side of the phone.
"How cute. Was it madness with the guys?" Jane asked.
"Yea. Many injuries anyway"
"How did you decide between them?"
"I went with my friend. He was the first to ask."
"Do you like him?" Heidi asked
"What no. It's not like that"
I heard the guys sigh in relief
"For now" The girls muttered
"Omg. Your mental, seriously."
"Alright. What's your dress like?"
"Hard to explain"
"Gaurds! Oh hello Katniss" Aro said.
"Hey Aro. How are you?"
"I'm good. I hear your proms tommorow."
"Yea. I was just calling before going to bed."
"Well I'm glad you called. This has to do with you aswell."
"Oh. Everything alright?"
"Yes. Everything's fine. Just to warn you that the gaurds will be at yours when you wake up"
"Well Felix is your brother and your like a sister/daughter to us here and I thought, why not let them go to see you off to prom. You can come back with them if you would like"
"I would love to go back with them. I was actually going to ask you that."
"Don't need to ask  the Cullens?"
"They left""
"And left you behind. Why?"
"To protect me, apparently"
"From what" Felix asked.
"Jasper has found it hard to control himself around humans so they moved somewhere with less humans."
"You can live here if you want" Aro said
"No, it's fine"
"Are you sure"
"Yea. I'm over 200 years old, I'm more then capable of minding myself"
"Well our doors are always open"
"Thank you"
"Your welcome my dear child. Now, off to bed. Don't want to be tired tommorow."
"Night guys"
"Night Kat"

I plugged in my phone and left it beside my bed and changed. I went to bed at 10.

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