chapter 28

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Katniss POV:

"So this is how Aro is sorting it out

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"So this is how Aro is sorting it out." I said while looking in the mirror.
"Well, yea." Felix said.
"What's to come out of this?"
"They see that they have hurt you so much that u don't live in Forks anymore and......"
"But I do live in Forks."
"They don't know that. Anyway, I was saying. And they will try to get you to come back. It's up to you to go back to them or not."
"Will you hate me if I do?" I turn to him.
He walked over.
"I could never. I lost you once, I am not going to lose you again. You mean too much to me. Ok?"
I nodded and he kissed my forehead.
"Now. Let's get to the clearing shall we."

We walked to the throne room.
"Ahh, Katniss. It suits you." Aro said.
"Thank you."
"Shall we get going?" He asked.
Everyone nodded.

I jumped onto Felixs back and they began to run to Forks. Once at the edge of the clearing they stopped. I jumped off Felixs back and got beside him. When we seen the cullens coming i pulled my hood up and walked behind Felix and Dementri.

Edward POV:

"Now remember, this will not end in a fight alright. They are just as much of Katniss's family as we are. Maybe more, considering Felix is her biological brother." Carlisle explained.
"Yes Carlisle." We said.

We ran to the clearing. We seen the volturi coming from the clearing. They all had there hoods up. They stopped a few feet away from us. They all pulled there hoods down. I looked around and seen one person with their hood still up. I caught there eye and I knew who it was, Katniss. She had changed since I had last seen her. Something was around her neck, the crest.

"She's apart of them." I muttered.
"Indeed she is Edward. carlisle, how lovely to see you again." Aro called.
"Same to you. Although I believe this isn't a friendly meeting." Carlisle said.
"No, it is not You see, she came to us. Well her brother, but you know."
"Well now we are back, so we can take her now." Emmett called out.
The volturi growled and stood protectively in front of her. My siblings and I also growled. Aro and Carlisle put their hands up.
"Don't you see. You lost her, we got her. That's the way it goes. You left, we take her in." Aro explained.
"Why don't we let Katniss choose."
"Alright then. Katniss, who will it be. The cullens, that left you, or us, the volturi, who took you in."

Katniss POV:

Everyone looked at me. I backed away slightly.

"I, I don't know." I whispered.
"If I may, Katniss, just say that we never meant to hurt you in any way. we don't it to protect you. Remember the letter." Carlisle said.

I was suddenly pulled back to when I found the letter and the bag of gifts. Reading the letter. 


Dear Katniss,
We are so sorry to leave without saying goodbye but you have to understand it's for your own good. Think of it as a good thing, you can live a life free from protective brothers and have a chance to live on your own, you were always telling us you wanted to. Don't be saddened we that we have left, we may see each other again, we are immortal after all.

You were like a daughter Carlisle and Esme could never have, a sister the others could never have. You were the light to our darkest days. You helped us when we needed it most. You put us before you, even when it was a danger. We will forever be glad we were on the road where we found you.
We never told you this, but congratulations on finding your brother. We know how much he meant to you, Dementri too. Don't ignore them because of us, they lived your human life with you.
We understand if you don't answer our messages or calls. By the time you read this we will be gone from Forks. We will be back again, we always do.Don't wait for us thouh, it will be many years before we do. Enjoy prom, do what you want to do with your life.
Always in our hearts,
The Cullens

Flashback end.

I fell back slightly but caught myself before falling fully. I looked towards the volturi, the ones who never left me, then looked at the cullens, the ones who left. I then done something I thought I would never say.

"I choose the Cullens."

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