Chapter 4

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2 months later
(After Edward went to the Volturi)

Katniss POV:

I woke up to the sun shining and my phone going off. I checked my phone to see it was Bella. She and I had became great friends and we were going to La push today. Although I was a Cullen, I was still aloud to pass the border line. I actually got along great with the pack. I replied yes and got up. I got ready for the day.

I ran down the stairs and walked into the kitchen

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I ran down the stairs and walked into the kitchen. The family was hunting so  I was on my own. I grabbed an apple and walked to Bellas since it was fine. I arrived half an hour later. I knocked on the door and Chief Charlie answered.

"Morning Chief. Is Bella here"
"Good morning Katniss. Bella is here and call me Charlie"
"Can you tell her I'm her whenever she's ready, please"
"Sure, would you like to came in"
"Thanks" I walked in and waited in the kitchen.
It wasn't the first time I was in her house. Bella walked down the stairs 5 mins later.
Yea. It was lovely talking to you Charlie"
"You too Katniss. Stay safe"

We walked to the beach as it was only  5 mins away. When we got there we seen Jacob and his friends. They knew I was part vampire and I knew they were shapeshifters. We were still good friends, I couldn't smell them and they couldn't smell anything different about me compared to normal humans.I walked up to them.

"Hey guys"
"Hey Kat" They said
"What you doing here" Sam asked.
"Hanging out with Bella, you"
"We live here" Paul said.
"True. Still don't have to be at the beach"
"Well that is true. We were hunting a vampire that has been on the lose"
"There is a vampire on the lose" Bella asked, she knew about us, she figured it out.
"Yea. Been here for a while. They've been jumping from our border to the Cullens border. We don't know what they are looking for" Jake explained
"I do" Bella said
"Us" I said.
"Why" Embry asked.
"Me because I'm the closest to him in the family and Bella because, well, Mate for mate"
"What do you mean mate for mate" Jared asked
"The vampires name is Victoria. She had a mate called James. Edward killed him so now she is trying to get back at him. I'm just a bonus"
"Wow." Paul said.

My phone went off. I looked at it and answered.

(E-Edward, M-Katniss)

E-Katniss!Thank God your ok?Where are you?
M-Beach with Bella and Pack
E-Can you ask Sam something for me
E-Can he lay down board line until we catch Victoria
"Sam, can you lay down the border line till you catch Victoria"
M-He said he can
E-Ok. Now get home. Bring Bella.

He hung up. I sighed and said Bye to the pack. We arrived a mine half an hour later. Edward was waiting and when he seen us ran up to me and hugged me. He kissed my forehead then turned to Bella and kissed her. We walked into the living room where the others were. Bella looked at me and Edward.

"Can you play/sing  the piano for me please?"
"Sure. What"
"Wildest dreams by Taylor Swift"

We sat on the stool and Edward played while I sang. Everyone clapped when we were finished. I sat down between Carlisle and Esme. Carlisle looked at me and held a drawing that I drew. It was of my brother and friend.

"What are you doing with a drawing of Volturi guards""What do you mean? That's my brother and friend""What were their names""Felix and Dementri"They all looked at me

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"What are you doing with a drawing of Volturi guards"
"What do you mean? That's my brother and friend"
"What were their names"
"Felix and Dementri"
They all looked at me. Esme came in front of me.
"Sweetie, I hate to be the one to tell you this, but, your brother and friend is alive" 
"No. They can't be. They died"
"What ages were they" Carlisle asked
"19. 5 years older then me"
"Yea. They go by Dementri and Felix Volturi now. They are a high ranged guard for Aro, Marcus and Caius"

I was speechless. I just found out that my brother was alive, well kinda, and I didn't even know. I ran up to my room and locked the door. I slid down the door and cried.

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