Christmas special day 15

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katniss POV:

"Hello." Felix mimicked me.
I laughed.
"What's up?" 
"I just finished wrapping presents."
"Yay" He did a weird gester and I laughed.
"So everyone bought for?"
He nodded.

"Hey Kat."
Jane skipped into Felixs room.
"Hey Jane. What can I do for you?"
"Want to help decorate the ball room."
"Sure. But isn't it a bit early?"
"You've never been in the ball room have you?"
I shook my head.
"Well the size of it is going to take a long time and there will be moving and everything."
I sighed.
"And Heidi. They don't mix well together."
"Alright, I'll help."

We walked to the room and I seen what she was on about. It is huge. Like a normal house size huge. 

"Wow. You really weren't joking when you said it was huge."
"Yep. Now come on, let's get started."

She dragged me to the boxes and boxes of decorations and we began the long job of decorating.

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