Christmas special day 24

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Katniss POV:

Katniss POV:

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"And done." Alice stood back and placed the pallete down.
2Can I look now?" I asked.
She led mew to a full length mirror. I gasped whe nshe uncovered my eyes.
"Alice it's beautiful. i love it. Thank you." I hugged her.
"no problem." She smiled.

"Knock knock." Felix said walking in.
i smiled and looked at him.
"Look at you in your tuxedo." I smiled at him.
"Yea well. It's a one time thing."
"what if i get married?"
"Not going to happen sister." He sassily said.
I laughed.
"Aro told me to give this to you. he said you could wear it." He handed me a box.
I opened it and gasped. Inside was a tiara. I picked it up and placed the box down while looking at it.
"It's beautiful." I gasped.
"Put it on." Alice incouraged.
felix took it from me and placed it gently on my head. He smiled and kissed my head.
"Perfect." He whispered.

i smiled and we all walked out of my room. The girls left into the room while I waited for Josh cato and Clove. Felix patted my shoulder when Jane came and walked in with her. My friends soon came and walked towards me. I hugged Clove and then took Joshs hand. We made our way into the ballroom.

Everyone watched as we walked in. i don't know if it's because we were all half human and the boys were half shape shifter or what. We just ignored them and walked towards Aro, Caius and Marcus.

"Ahh you are wearing the tiara." aro smiled at me.
"Yes thank you it's beautiful."
"I'm glad. It's yours."
"Yes. Because, excuse me everyone, can I have your attention  please."
Everyone turned to aro.

"I would like to introduce to you the new princess of vampire existence, Katniss Cullen Volturi."
i looked at him in shock. He winked at me and held his glass of blood.
"Princess Katniss."
"Princess Katniss." Everyone repeated.
I smiled and waved to everyone.

That is the last update for Christmas. I hope you enjoyed reading them just as much as I have writing them. I will see you in 2018!!! Merry Christmas to all and a happy and safe new year. I love ya all xxxx.  

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