Christmas special day 14

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Katniss POV:

"Good morning

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"Good morning." I said skipping into the throne room.
"You seem happy." Aro smiled.
"Oh I am."
"And why's that."
I stopped and eyed him.
"No reason." I said quickly.
"I know why it is katniss."
I sighed.
"Well I don't." Jane said.
"She forgave the Cullens."
Everyone smiled at me.
"Stop. Don't look at me like that. I did, so what, noting will change what they did."
"You still forgave them." Jane said in a sing son voice.
"Uggh." I walked out of the room.

Once I turned the corner i ran to carlisle and Esmes room.
"esme!!" I called running over to her.
"Katniss!!" She mimicked but laughed as i hugged her.
"What's up buttervup."

"Well well well, look who's looking lovely today." Rose smiled as she and Emmett walked in.
"Rose!!" I squeled.
"Katniss." She laughed as I hugged her.
"Ok who put sugar in her drink today?" Emmett asked.
"Emmett." i said.
"Katnip." He said hugging me.
"Wanna do something?" I asked him.
"Christmas movie?"
"Hell ya."
He laughed and put his hand around my shoulders.
"Later people. Don't disturb us." He called over his shoulder and everyone laughed.

We walked into Emmett and roses room and layed on the couch. Emmett got the remote and scrolled through the movies until he found elf. He pressed play and we watched it. Half way through the 3rd movie my eyes became heavy. i soon fell asleep with my head on Emmetts chest.

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