Chapter 7

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Katniss POV:

I woke up in a strange bed. I got up and walked over to my closet. I grabbed an outfit and went for a shower. I changed into my outfit for the day.

 I changed into my outfit for the day

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There was a knock on the door. I opened it to come face to face with Jane. She smiled.

"Can I help you" I asked her
"Aro wants you in the throne room"
"Thank you"
"Do you know the way"
"I can show you whenever your ready"
"Ok, thanks"

She walked into my room and sat on the bed. I walked into the bathroom and cleaned my teeth. I walked back out and looked at Jane. She got up and walked out the door. I followed.

"You know, you aren't like what Edward said you were"
"What did he say I was"
"Mean, heartless"
"It depends on the person. I actually like you" She laughed
"Thanks, I think"

We walked to the throne room. Jane walked over to Alec. I stayed in front of Caius, Marcus and Aro. Aro walked over to me.

"Ahh, dear Katniss, how are you? Did you sleep well?"
"Good thank you. And yes I did sleep well, how are you?"
"Good, good. I have some questions for you"
"Ask away"
"Have you been mated/imprinted on?"
"Are you friends with shape shifters, aka wolves"
"You said the venom didn't spread equally threw your body, how is that"
"I was bitten by a new born, he was planning on killing me but when he bit me his 'master' told him to stop, he left me but didn't know he had given me venom"
"Interesting. You do know that if you had changed fully you would be an immortal child"
"I am well aware of that, yes"
"Will you grow or stay 14"
"Stay 14"
"Interesting, very interesting. You are free to go"
"Thank you"

I walked out of the room and went to my room. I went over to my guitar and started playing random cords. When I was finished I heard a knock at the door. I opened it to see Dementri. He gave me the phone.


(E-Edward, M-Katniss)
E-Katniss, how are you?
M-I'm good. How's the newborn issue
E-Alright. Alice has seen them coming next week. Are the Volturi sending guards
M-Let me check.
I turned to Dementri
"Why are you still here and are guards been sent to Forks to check about the newborns"
"Yes, guards are going to Forks. Me, Felix, Jane and Alex." He responded.
M-Yea. Felix, Jane, Dementri and Alec are going. Why?
E-Go with them. Carlisle will call Aro.
M-And if they attack me
E-Myself, Jasper and Emmett will stop them don't you worry. No doubt Felix and Dementri won't let you out of their sight.
M-Fine. But if I am harmed...
E-I would never forgive myself
M-Yea seya

I hung up and fell onto the bed with a sigh. Dementri walked up and sat beside me.

"Tough life"
"You have no idea"

I handed him the phone and he left closing the door behind. My eyes started to get heavy and I eventually fell asleep.

Dementri POV:

I left Katniss's room and walked to the living room where everyone else was. Aro walked in.

"Felix, Dementri, Jane, Alec, you will be going to Forks to check on newborns"
"Yes Master" We said
"Katniss will be going with you"
"They can kill her" Felix exclaimed
"Carlisle has assured me that Emmett, Jasper, Edward and himself will make sure they won't. Besides, as Carlisle said, you won't let her out of your sight. Now, you leave tomorrow"

He left and we all looked at each other.

Hey guys. Sorry about the late update, I was out for the day. Happy St. Patricks day, if you do anything or not, I hope you had fun.

Lots of love,


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