Chapter 16

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Katniss POV:

It's been a month since my family left. Bella and I still talk but it's not the same. It's kinda awkward because we remind each other of the Cullens. Clove and Cato got together and Cato recently revealed that he imprinted on Clove. I'm happy for them. As for me, I'm  still single. Probably best, less drama. 

I was brought back into reality when my phone went off. It was from Josh.
hey, wanna meet at the reserve. -J
sure. Be there in half an hour- C
Great. Seya soon.-J

I pulled the blankets back and got out of bed. I went into my closet and changed. I skipped breakfast and grabbed my keys and phone and ran to my car.

 I skipped breakfast and grabbed my keys and phone and ran to my car

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I arrived at the reserve 10 mins later. I got out and was attacked by Josh into a hug. I patted his back.

"Hey. What's up?" I asked.
"I have to tell you something." He said nervously.
"Oh really. What's that?" I smiled.
"Do you know imprinting?" 
"Well, yea. Cato done it to Clove."
"WEll, I've done it too."
"Really, that's great. To who?" I faked smiled.
"Umm, you."
"wait, what."
"i imprinted on you, Katniss. Your the one that I will protect and either be like a brother or boyfriend to you."
"Wow. Are you sure?"
"Yea. I even asked Sam to be sure."
"Right. Well then."
"What do you want me to be?"
"Uhh. well, maybe ..................................."

Hey guys. Does anyone want to be part of this story. If so, just fill in the form from previous update. 

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