Chapter 10

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Katniss POV:

We arrived home 10mins later. I walked to the Piano. Edward was already sitting there.

"Miss me" He asked sarcastically.
"Yea. I did actually. I missed you all" I looked at everyone.
"And we missed you" Carlisle said
"Yea. Wasn't the same without you" Emmett laughed.
"Wanna sing" Edward asked
"You don't even have to ask"

He turned into the piano and started to play Halo by Beyonce. Carlisle came down with his brief case just as we finished. I turned to him.

"Not exactly. Jacob got hurt during the fight"
"What!!!!!" I jumped up..

Edward pulled me to sit down.
"Can I go with you" I asked.
"sure. Do you want to change into something comfy"
"No. I'm fine"

We walked out to Carlisles car and drove to Jacobs house. The pack was waiting outside. I sat beside Sam while Carlisle walked into the room where Jake was with Billy. I sighed and leaned against Sam. He didn't seem to mind. Half an hour later, Carlisle and Billy walked out. 

"I dislocated and relocated his bones. I gave him morphine to ease the pain. The worst is done. He's looking for you, Katniss" Carlisle explained.
"Seya at home"

I walked into Jakes room. He was lying on the bed and was sweating. He smiled at me when I walked in. I went over and sat on his bed.

"Hey" I whispered
"Hey. You still you" He asked
"Meaning" I smirked.
"Well, you were with vampires, that are the leaders of your world, who drink humans."
"Yea, well, I'm alive and safe" I laughed
"Well, I'm glad your back"
"So am I. I will leave you to rest. I just came to say hi and make sure your okay"
"Ok. Bye"

I left and said bye to the others. I ran home and meet Edward at the border line. I jumped on his back and he climbed trees on the way home. Once home I changed out of my old clothes into something more comfy.

 Once home I changed out of my old clothes into something more comfy

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Edward was sitting at the piano when I walked into the sitting room. I sat with him and he played while I sang till dinner. Once dinner was done I watched Esme and Carlisle play chess. Carlisle was winning. 

At 9 I went to bed. Just as I was about to fall asleep, Edward, Emmett and Jasper walked into my room. They came over to my bad and sat on it. Jasper shook me awake. I turned on the light and sat up facing them.

"Are you a mate to any of the Volturi guards" Emmett asked.
"What, no. Why?"
"Because, if you were, we would of had to have a chat with them about not hurting you or trying to change you again" Jasper explained.
"Look, you have noting to worry about. I'm not a mate to any of them"
"Good" Edward said.

They left my room but Edward stopped at the door. He turned towards me.

"You want to stay" I asked
He walked over and layed beside me. I leaned onto him and closed my eyes.

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