Chapter 8

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Hey guys,
I'm back. Just finished exams and as promised I will continue this story as well as my other ones. There is also a new one coming out soon, Tracy sister. If your  a fan of thunderbirds 2004, then you should go check it out.

Thank you for sticking with me,


Katniss POV:

I woke up to the birds chirping. I got up and pulled the curtains. I walked into the closet and changed. Today I was going back to Forks with Jane, Dementri, Felix and Alec so they can make sure the newborns are gone. I grabbed my bag and put everything I brought in it.

 I grabbed my bag and put everything I brought in it

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I walked out of my room and meet with the others. Dementri took my bag from me while I jumped on Felixs back. I hid my face in Felixs neck as they ran through the forests to Forks. When they got there Felix put me down and we walked to a hotel. Jane had pre booked a room so we got the keys and went to the room. When we got there I walked to the bed and layed down. Felix layed next to me. I moved closer to him and snuggled into him. He put his arms around me. I eventually fell asleep.

Felix POV:

Katniss fell asleep in my arms. I kissed her forehead and slowly moved away from her. I walked over to the others and sat on the couch beside Dementri. 

"What's the age difference between you guys" Jane asked
"Seven when human, but now 5"
"And you, Dementri"
"What's it like to find out your sister is alive after all these years"
I looked at Katniss as she turned.
"Like I never left her"

We sat watching her sleep for the rest of the night. She jolted awake at 5 in the morning. She looked around breathing heavy. I walked over to her and laid a hand on her shoulder. She jumped but turned towards me. Tears were streaming her face. I pulled her into a hug and she cried into my chest.

"It's ok it was only a dream"
"It felt real"
"Nightmares normally do" Jane said

She pulled away and walked over to her bag. She grabbed some cloths and walked into the bathroom.

Katniss POV:

I woke up with tears streaming down my face. Felix walked over to me and hugged me. I cried into his chest.

  "It's ok it was only a dream" He whispered to me
"It felt real"
"Nightmares normally do" Jane said.

I pulled away from the hug and walked over to my bag. I grabbed an outfit and went into the bathroom. I had a quick shower and changed.

 I had a quick shower and changed

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I walked out to meet the others. We walked out of the hotel and walked to an alley way. Once out of sight I jumped on Felix's back and they ran to a corner. I jumped off his back and he and Dementri stood either side of me, with Dementri keeping me close to him. I took my hair down out of the pony tail and let it fall around my face so it would blocked some of my sent. We looked upon the newborns as they killed many innocent people. 

"Why do they do this" I ask
"You really don't know much about vampires, do you" Jane asked turning to me.
"Just that you drink blood and that varying to which type you drink will determine what strength you have"
"Newborns can't control their thirst, they have great sense of smell and it's hard to block. They are stronger then other vampires because they aren't used to being a vampire."
"So they can smell me"
"You are with 4 vampires, I think your safe"
"Why so scared. Your with us, we are basically the strongest coven. And anyways, Felix has the power of extra strength, I doubt he will let the newborns near you" Alec said
"Last time I checked you weren't the one that was been tracked. And I'm not scared"
"You hesitated"
"What are you, a questionnaire"
"Look, you have noting to be scared of. You have been living with human drinking vampires for two weeks, if your not scared of that then you have noting to worry about"
"If you say so"

We went back to the hotel and I fell asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow.  

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