Chapter 11

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Katniss POV:

Crash!!!! I was abruptly woke up with the sound of broken glass. I ran into my closet to change then ran downstairs to see what the noise was.

 I ran into my closet to change then ran downstairs to see what the noise was

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I was only back from Italy for a week and they were making a mess. I walked into the kitchen to see the everyone standing there and glass shattered at roses feet. They turned when they heard me come in.

"What happened" I asked while grabbing a yogurt drink from the fridge.

"Do tell her Edward" Rose glared at Edward
"It doesn't concern her"
"She deserves to know, it involves her too"
"What are you talking about"
No one said anything. I looked at Edward
He looked at me sadly.
"I'm sorry"
"For what"
"While you were gone to the pack yesterday Bella came over. She cut herself and Jasper
lost control"
"What the hell does this mean"
"We're moving. And when I say we, I mean Rosalie, Alice, Esme, Carlisle, Jasper, Emmett and me. Your staying"
I looked at everyone in shock.
"What" I all but screamed
"It's to keep you and Bella save" Jasper said.
"And what about what I want? Huh. Did you even think of asking me? How I would feel?"
"We'll keep in contact" Alice said
"Your leaving me alone. Not just me, but Bella too. Edward you promised me you would never leave me.Don't you care about me?" I cried.
"It's not like that" Edward tried to assure me.
"Really, because it sure looks like it."
I looked at everyone.
"Did you all agree to this"
They hesitated before nodding their heads.
"I thought we were family"
"We are" Carlisle said
"No, this isn't what family would do. Family stays together and leaves no one behind"

I ran upstairs, ignoring my 'family' calling me. I slammed my door and locked it, sliding my back down it. I picked up my guitar and started singing 'Million Reasons' by Lady Gaga. I placed the guitar and layed on my bed, crying myself to sleep.

Edward POV:

The family called out to Katniss as she ran up to her room. We stopped when we heard her singing. When she was finished she started crying and after 10 mins, we heard her heart beat slow down to calm, meaning she was asleep. Carlisle turned to us.

"Pack your bags. We leave early in the morning. I think we should go to the shop and buy Katniss some things and write her a note." He said.

We nodded and ran to pack. We packed our bags. Once done we pilled them near the front door and got into Carlisles and Emmetts cars. We went to Seattle and bought Katniss something. We got home at half nine, Katniss was still asleep. We wrote the note and left that and the gifts on the kitchen table. We packed up the cars, looked around the house one last time and walked to the cars. I walked into Katniss's bedroom to see her asleep with tear stains down her face. I walked over, pulled the blankets over her and kissed her forehead.
'Goodbye Katniss' I whispered and ran to the car, driving away from the house and Katniss.

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