Christmas special day 13

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Katniss POV:

"I'll seya Christmas eve then

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"I'll seya Christmas eve then." I called to my friends.
"Yea. Bye Katniss." Clove shouted.
"Bye guys."

I jumped onto Felix and he ran back to home. I jumped off him before running off to my room. I slammed the door and ran straight to my closet. I searched through all my clothes but I found noting.

Alice ran in.
"I have noting to wear. Can you get me something?"
"Shopping trip."
He went to grab me.
"No, I'm not going." I said pulling away.
"Why not?"
"I have to talk to someone."
"Ohh." She looked at me with realisation.
"yea. So can you get me something."
"Of course I can kitten. I'll be back soon. Rosalie!!!" She shouted walking out.
I laughed lightly before walking to the door.

"Come in."
I walked in and sat on the bed.
"Hi Edward."
He looked at me.
"Hi Katniss. What brings you here?"
"I forgive you."
"I know."
"No. Before I hadn't forgiven you personally fully, now I have."
He smiled and walked over to me. I hugged him and he hugged me back.
"I love you Katniss."
"I love you too Edward." I cried.
He kissed my head.

Once I calmed down we layed on his bed and watched the grinch. I smiled and snuggled closer to Edward. My eyes became heavy and I eventually fell asleep.

Edward POV:

I looked down at Katniss when I didn't hear her lauugh as much. I smiled when I seen that she was asleep. I kissed her head and went to get up but she just clung to my arm. She mumbled a stay but stayed where she was. I chuckled but lay back down next to her. 

"Always." I whispered to her and watched her as she slept

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