Chapter 6

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Katniss POV:

"Wake up, Kat" I awoke to water being spilt on me.
"Emmett!!" I screamed.
He was on the floor laughing. 

I got up and walked into my closet and changed into my outfit for today, remembering to wear dark clothes as I was going to the Volturi today.

I got up and walked into my closet and changed into my outfit for today, remembering to wear dark clothes as I was going to the Volturi today

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I grabbed my bag and ran down stairs and grabbed an apple and walked into the living room where Edward was playing the piano. I walked up to him.

"Wanna play one last time before I go"

I sat on the piano base and Edward began to play Let it go by James Bay. When we finished Esme walked in.

"Ready to go"

We followed her out to the cars. I was with Edward, Carlisle and Esme in Edwards car while Alice, Jasper, Rose and Emmett went in Alices car. We arrived at the airport 15 mins later. I sat with Edward who was texting Bella. She knew I was going to the Volturi and was happy that I would be save. My phone went off so I checked it. It was a message from Clove in our message chat with the boys. I logged on line to see the others already on.

(Cl-Clove, Ca-Cato, J-Josh,M-Katniss)
Cl-Your going to the Volturi!
Cl-Why?They could kill you Katniss
M-I have to
J-Why,Why do you have to
M-My brother and friend, that I thought was dead may I add, is there.
Ca-So.They're human drinkers, Kat, they can kill you
M- A chance I will take
J-Why are you doing this
M-You heard about Victoria, right
M-She after me because Edward killed her mate. She is also after Bella but I'm even closer to Edward then Bella is so I'm a bonus
J-We could of protected you
M-And get killed. Not taken the chance. Look, I gtg, the plane's landed

I logged off and walked off with Edward. We grabbed our bags and met the rest of the family. A black car was waiting for us so we got in. We arrived at a castle half an hour later. 

We got out and walked to reception. The lady let us through. As we got to a wooden door Edward grabbed my hand and brought me closer to him while Jasper and Emmett walked either side of us. The door opened and Carlisle walked in with the rest of us following. They all gathered around me and stood protectively in front of me with Edward and Emmett either side of me. Aro walked up to Carlisle with a smirk on his face. I looked around and saw 5 guards standing, looking at us.

"Carlisle, how lovely to see you."
"Same to you Aro"
"Where is the girl you want me to meet"
"Guys, step away from Katniss."
They hesitated before stepping away from me, Edward stayed beside me.
"Katniss" Carlisle motioned me over.
I let go of Edwards hand and walked slowly over to Carlisle. I looked at Aro when I was in front of him.
"This is Katniss. She is the youngest of our family. As you can see we are protective of her"
"Hello Katniss. I am Aro. May I see your hand"

Aro held out his hand. I put my hand on his and he grabbed it and pulled me closer to him. The others stepped forward but Carlisle put his hand up, signalling them to stop. Eventually Aro let go of my hand and stared at me. Carlisle pulled me back and handed me to Edward who stepped in front of me slightly.

"Amazing. Has a heartbeat but not human, Vampire but don't drink blood" Aro Explained.
"Impossible" Caius said
"How" Marcus asked.
"I was bitten when I was 14 but the venom didn't spread so I am only immortal but can do everything a human does."
The guards looked at me with curiosity.
"Katniss, put the guards out of their misery and tell them who may know you" Carlisle asked.
"Felix and Dementri" I whispered but I knew they heard.
"Well, it was lovely meeting you, Katniss" Aro said
"Aro, would you be able to do a favour" Carlisle asked
"Well of course"
"There are newborns in Forks, as you know, My family can fight and kill them for you IF you let Katniss stay till they are gone" 
"You would risk your life against newborns"
"Jasper has had experience with newborns"
"Of course. She will be save in our hands I can assure you" 
"Thank you. Katniss, we will see you when the newborns are dealt with"

My family walked up to me. Esme hugged me then Carlisle. Alice gave me my bag and squeezed my shoulders. Jasper hugged and kissed my cheek. Emmett picked me up and spun me around. Rose gave me my guitar and hugged me. Last was Edward. I ran up to him and jumped in his arm. He held onto me and placed me on the ground kissing my forehead. 

"Goodbye Kat. Seya when the newborns are gone. I promise to keep in touch"

They turned and ran out the throne room, leaving me with the Volturi.

"I hope you enjoy your stay. Your very welcome here. Make yourself at home" Aro said.
I looked at him.
"Anyway, we have things to do. Dementri, Felix, show Katniss her room. The rest of you are dismissed."

I turned to see Dementri and Felix looking at me. I walked towards them and they turned, walking out the door. I followed them. The walk was quiet till Felix spoke.

"Your alive"
"Does it look like I'm dead"
"We thought you were dead"
"I thought you were dead"
He hugged me.
"It's good to see you"
"You too"
I turned to Dementri.
"Oh what the hell" He said and hugged me.
We laughed and started walking again.
"You and Edward seem close" Dementri said
"We were the only ones in the family without a mate, we did everything together, until Bella came"
"Bella his mate" Felix asked.
"Do you have a mate"
"Well, this is your room" Felix opened a door.

They hugged me and left. I unpacked and went to bed.

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