Christmas special day 20

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Katniss POV:

"Hey Aro, you wanted to see me?" I walked into the throne room

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"Hey Aro, you wanted to see me?" I walked into the throne room.
"Ahh Katniss, How are we?" Aro walked towards me.
"Doing good." I smiled at him.
"feeling better?"
"All good." I smiled.
"Great. How are things with the Cullens?"
"Great. I'm actualy surprised to be honest."
"That's good."
I nodded.
"Your free to go my child." He smiled.
"good day Aro."
"Good day my dear."

The door slammed shut behind me. I walked to my room and layed on my bed. Shortly after I fell asleep.

Felix POV;

I walked into my sisters room to see her asleep. i smiled and grabbed her blanket. Throwing it over her I kissed her head and walked out.

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