Christmas special day 18

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Katniss POV:

"So you well enough to help again?" Alice asked

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"So you well enough to help again?" Alice asked.
I looked at Carlisle.
"Noting heavy." He squeezed my shoulder and walked out.

Alice dragged me to the ball room where Heidi, Jane, Esme and Rosalie were already doing decorations. It looked good. Alice handed me a box of tree decorations and pointed to the Christmas tree at the corners of the room. I nodded and walked over to one of them. Once all four was done i left to get something to eat. Felix walked int othe kitchen while I took out the lasagne from the microwave. i jumped and nearly dropped it but he caught it and placed it on the table.

"Hey." I smiled starting to eat.
"Hey back." He smiled.
"What's up?"
"Just checking on ya. See your feeling better."
"Yep. All better. Just a stomach bug." I smiled at him.
"That's good. Why don't you go rest. I've got this."

I smiled and walked to my room. I just lay on my bed and soon fell asleep.

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