Chapter 41

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Katniss POV:

"And it's a girl!!" Carlisle said smiling.
I smiled and leaned back as he cleaned her up. Once she was checked over he handed her to me. I smiled down at her as she stopped crying.

"She's beautiful." I said softly, looking at her.
"Just like her mother then." Josh said.
I looked up at him smiling before pecking him on the lips.
"There, your stitches are in. About a week and you will be well." Carlisle said.
I smiled, nodding.
"What are you going to name her?"
"Her name is Angel Uley." I smiled handing her to Josh.

Clove POV:

I heard a cry and sighed in relief.

"It's a baby boy." Esme smiled.
I smiled as Cato kissed my head. Esme cleaned our son before handing him to me.
"He's perfect." I said softly.
"Indeed he is." Cato smiled.
"What's his name?" Esme smiled.
"James Uley." I smiled looking down at my son.

Esme smiled. She turned as Carlisle pulled back the curtain that split me and Katniss apart. He smiled at me before he and Esme walked off. I seen Katniss holding her child in her arms. She looked up and smiled at me.

"What's the babies name?" I asked softly.
"Angel Uley. Yours?"
"James Uley."
Josh and Cato pushed the beds closer together so we could talk properly.
"You guys should call your parents." Katniss smiled.
"You should call my mam." I said looking at Cato.

Katniss POV:

They kissed our heads before walking out and making the phone calls. Once they came inside they took their newborns in their arms and cradled them. Me and Clove watched on as they admired their child with loving arms. We smiled as they placed them in the cot once asleep before coming over to us. They lay beside us and we hugged.

"This is the start of the new chapter." I smiled.
They all looked, at me smiling.
"I love you guys." Clove said.
we laughed doing a group hug.

And that is it. Thank you guys so much for watching. I hope you enjoyed reading it as much as I did creating it.
If you would like to request a story you can comment below and I will see if I can if I know what you  mean.
thanks guys,
Chloe xxxx

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