Chapter 30

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Katniss POV:

Katniss POV:

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"Hey." I smiled at Josh.
"Hey. Ready to go?"

I grabbed my bag and he took my hand before we walked to the others. We meet Clove and cato at the door along with the Cullens and Volturi. I smiled at them and hugged Felix.

"Goodbye. For now." I whispered.
"Goodbye." He smiled.

He made his way back to the others. I picked my bag back up and made my way to the car. I got in the back with Clove while Cato and Josh sat up front. The Cullens were behind us. I smiled as we made our way to the airport. My eyes became heavy as we sat down so I just layed my head on Joshs shoulder and let sleep take over.

Happy new year guys. Have a good one. And all who is into it, enjoy the celebrations. It's finally 2018!!!11

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