Christmas special day 23

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Katniss POV:

"And we are done. Great work guys." Alice smiled.
We stood back and admired the ball room.

We stood back and admired the ball room

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(Wider and longer)

"Great work girls." I smiled.
"You too Katniss." Jane smiled hugging me.
I shrugged.
"I didn't do uch."
"Because you were sick. That couldn't of been helped.
"Suppose. Now I am going to go to the others. Bye."

I skipped out of the room and into the living room. Cato clove and Josh were sitting on the couch. I sat down and leaned on Josh grabbing the remote. Pressing play the second home alone film came on. We ate crisps and drinks and chocolate, basically rubbish.

At 10pm we all decided to head to bed. Clove was in with me while the boys were in a guest bedroom. Aro said that they had to so thy knew noting was going on. Why you ask? Oh because they didn't know about Josh imprinting on me. Not even the Cullens. Oops?

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