Chapter 14

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Katniss POV:

I walked into the throne room and everyone smiled at me

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I walked into the throne room and everyone smiled at me.

"Morning Kat"

I walked over to Felix. We have become close over the last 2 weeks, even Dementri. They are both protective of me, as are all volturi members, but them more so then others. Since I came here I have gotten to know each of the members properly. Heidi and Jane are like sisters to me and Alec is like a brother. Aro, Marcus and Caius are like fathers to me.

"I was just about to send one of the girls to get you" Aro said.
"Did I do something wrong?" 
"no, no. You did noting wrong. Myself, Caius and Marcus have something for you"
"Well, we decided that, since you are family to us and will possibly be here more often, we decided to give you this."
He took a box from behind his throne before walking to me and giving it to me.
"What is it?"
"Well, why don't you open it. You will need to open it in your room though, we have some business to do. Jane and Heidi can go with you"
"Yes master" Heidi and Jane said.
"Bye guys" I said
"Bye Kat" The boys said as the doors closed behind me.

We walked into my room and sat on my bed. I layed the box on my bed and opened it. There was tissue paper in it and ontop of the paper was a small box. I opened that first. Inside was a volturi necklace.

 Inside was a volturi necklace

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I put it around my neck.

"Your officially a volturi" Jane said.
"Yea. I wonder why he gave it to me though."
"Well, he did say you were family now" Heidi said
"What's underneath" Jane asked.

I took the tissue paper out of the box and seen cloaks in the shade black.
"Jane can you get me some hangers please"
She gave me the hangers. I took each cloak out and hung them in my closet.

I took my crest off and placed it back in the small box before placing it in my jewelry drawer

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I took my crest off and placed it back in the small box before placing it in my jewelry drawer. There was a knock on the door. I answered it to see the boys.

"Can I help you?" I asked.
"We just came to see what you got?" Dementri said.
"So, you basically came to be nosey"
"Yea" He said.
I smiled.
"Well are you going to let us in" Felix asked.
"Why should I?"
"Because it's polite"
"Hmm, I don't know? Should I let them in girls"
They just laughed. I didn't notice Felix was behind me till I turned and he started tickling me.
"No.. Haha. Felix stop, please. Have mercy" I laughed.
"Say 'Felix is the best brother in the whole world' and I will"
"Your choice" He tickled me harder.
"Fine, fine. Felix is the best brother in the whole world." I laughed.
He stopped and i caught my breathe.
"Come in"
"Thank you"
They walked in and sat beside the girls on the bed. Jane and Heidi were smiling like idiots.
"What you smiling about" Felix asked"
They looked at me.
"Go on" I said.
"Katniss is officially a Volturi" They screamed.

"What, really" Alec asked.
I nodded, "Uhuh. He gave me the crest and cloaks"
"Show us"

I got the crest out of the drawer and gave it to them. There was another  knock on the door. I opened it to reveal Aro, Marcus and Caius. 

"Hi Katniss, we just came to see how you liked our gift." Caius smiled.
"I love it, thank you. You really didn't have to"
"Yea, well, you deserved it" Marcus said.
I smiled.
"Well, we'll leave you be, goodbye , Katniss" Aro said.
"Goodbye Aro, Marcus, Caius"

I closed the door and turned to see them all staring at me.

"You have pure black cloaks" Felix said.
"Yea, so"
"do you know what that means?" Jane asked.
"It means that you are seen highly" Heidi explained.
"But why would I be high? I mean, I don't even have a power, let alone a full vampire. How can I be higher then Felix and Dementri"
"I don't know, to be honest." Alec asked as I sat on Dementris lap, snuggling into him.
I yawned and Dementri kissed my forehead.
"Tired?" He asked.
I nodded.
"Go to sleep. We'll stay here if you want?" Felix said.
"Night Kat"

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