Chapter 2

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Katniss POV:

We pulled up in front of the house and Edward opened my door for me. We walked into the house and walked towards the piano. Edward sat in front of it and I leaned on it, facing him. He started playing 'skinny love' by Birdy. We always did this when we got back from school, it was our 'sibling bonding' as Esme would put it. 

We continued this until Esme called me for dinner. I walked into the kitchen and sat at the counter. Edward walked in and sat in front of me.

"Gonna explain what happened in Biology"
"Her blood isn't like others"
"In english"
"He found his mate" Alice said as he walked in.
"What!" I looked at him
"We will still be close" He assured me.
"You can't promise that"
"I can and I have"
"Ughh. I'm going to my room" I put my plate in the sink and ran up to my room.

 I'm going to my room" I put my plate in the sink and ran up to my room

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Edward POV:

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Edward POV:

Katniss ran up to her room. I looked at Alice.

"She was going to find out soon anyway"
"I know that. I was going to tell her myself"
"When I was sure"

I ran up the stairs to check on Kat. She was lying on her bed facing away from the door. I walked up to the bed and sat down.

Katniss POV:

I jumped on my bed and daced the wall. Tears silently fell down my face. I heard the door open and someone walk over to my bed. They sat down making the bed dip. 

"I'm sorry" A soft voice said
Edward. I ignored him.
"I can't choose who's my mate"
I said noting
"We will still be close"
"No, we won't."
"We will"
"How do you know? You will be the same with her as the others are with their mates" I faced him.
"I won't. I promise" He wiped my tears.
I hugged him. He hugged back. He picked me up and placed me on his lap. He kissed my forehead and I cuddled into him. Half an hour later my eyes started to feel heavy and I was soon asleep.

Edward POV:

Kat fell asleep on my shoulder. I stood up while holding her and laid her on the bed. I pulled the covers over her and kissed her head. I walked down to the others and sat on the couch. I faced Esme and Carlisle.

"I'm going to Alaska"
"Why son" Carlisle asked.
"There's a new girl in our school. Her blood is, sweeter then others"
"Oh no" Emmett said.
"That's not good" Jasper finished.
"I can stay with the Denalis"
"Yes, you may" Esme said.
"Thank you. Tell Katniss for me"

I ran out to my car and drove off to get my control back on thirst. Not just so I wouldn't hurt Bella but Katniss as well.

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