Chapter 13

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Katniss POV

I walked down to the living room. Felix, Dementri, Heidi, Jane and Alec were watching the news.

They turned.
"Morning kat/sis"
"Ready for tonight" Heidi asked
"Yea. My friend is coming over to get ready with me" I hugged Felix.
"What time the guys picking you up at"

The bell went. I answered the door to see Clove with her dress and a bag. She hugged me.

"This is it. After this your going to Italy. Far awayfrom from me. I'll miss you"
"I'll miss you too. You can visit and vice versa. We also have a good few hours before I leave"
"Well let's make the most of it."
"Sure. Btw my brothers and sisters are here"
"I knew you had one brother, why didn't you tell me you had others and sisters"
"Not biological. Volturi guards"
"Ohh. Wait, there here"
"Hey guys"
"Well lets get ready"

We ran to my room and got ready.



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We were just done when the doorbell went off

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We were just done when the doorbell went off.
"Girls, the guys are here" Heidi called.

We made our way downstairs. The boys and guards turned there towards us as we made it to the bottom.

"Amazing, absolutely stunning" Heidi said.
"Beautiful" Dementri complimented.
I smiled and turned to face Felix. He walked over to me while Clove walked over to the guys.
"You grew up well dear sister."
We hugged.
"Hate to interrupt but we need to go" Cato said.

I walked towards them.



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They offered there elbow and we accepted

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They offered there elbow and we accepted. We walked out to see a limo. We got in and it brought us to prom.

Felix POV
I watched as my sister left for her prom. Dementri walked over to me.

"She grew up well, didn't she?"
"Yea, she did"
"Are we waiting for her to get back or leaving" Alec asked.
"Wait. Make sure she gets beck alright"
"Aww. Protective brother. Never seen this side of you" Jane said walking up to me.
I wrapped my arms around her. "No, you wouldn't"

We laughed and continued watching the news.

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