Christmas special day 1 (Chapter 30)

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Katniss POV:

I woke up to the sound of birds chirping. I got out of bed and grabbed my phone. I checked it before realizing that it was the 1st of December. I jumped out of bed and ran to my bathroom. I had a quick shower and changed into something warm.

 I had a quick shower and changed into something warm

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I then ran down the hall and into the kitchen. I quickly ate my cheerios. As I ran out I bumped into Aro.

"Be careful my dear child."
"Oh I am so sorry Aro."
"It is quite alright my dear, what's the rush."
"It's the 1st of December."
"Indeed it is."
"Only 24 days till christmas."
"Ahh yes. Haha. There is a christmas party on christmas eve for all vampires. The cullens will be there."
"Yes. ANd I expect you to be nice to them."
"Good girl. Now off you go."

I ran into the living room where Jane and Heidi were. I ran and jumped on top of them. They screamed and giggled.

"Hey girl." Heidi smiled.
"Hello." I smiled.
"What you so happy for?"
"24 days till christmas!!"
"Yes haha. You going to the party?" Jane smiled.
"I have to." I mumbled.
"Come on. Don't be like that. It will be fun."
"The Cullens will be there."
"They won't get near you." felix said coming in with Alec and Dementri.
I jumped at the sudden.
"You promise?"
"Swear on my heart. I would say and hope to die but that can't happen."
"Haha. Very funny." 
He smiled.
"I'm going to decorate my room."
"Are you now?" Dementri smirked.
"Well then. That should be interesting." Alec smirked.

I stuck out y tongue and walked out. I heard them laugh as I turned the corner to my room.

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