Chapter 27

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katniss POV:

"I guess we could try dating?"
"Wait, really?" Josh smiled.
"Yea. Why not? I mean we've been friends since High school."
"You have no idea how much I wanted you to say that." He hugged me.
"I can guess due to your reacting." I smiled.

We heard a howl from the woods.
"I've to go. But I'll talk to ya soon." 
He kissed my cheek.

I walked back to my car and drove back home. I clicked the button for messages left on the house phone. I began to make lunch when I heard one message.

'Hey Kat, it's Edward. I know your mad at us because we left you. I don't even know if you still live in the house or not but, just thought you would like to know that we are coming back, back to Forks. We figured it would be better. I'm sorry for all I did. I love and miss you and I hope you understand why we left and will allow us back into your life. Anyway, just thought you'd like to know, if you still live there. We'll be back next week.'

I dropped the saucepan I was holding and ran to my bag. I grabbed my phone and called the first person in call history.

"Hey Kat."
"Felix!!" I cried.
"Kat, what's wrong?"
"The cullens, there coming back."
"What!! Ok, don't panic. Why don't you came back here."
"Not possible."
"Well, why not?"
"Josh just told me he imprinted on me."
"What. OMG when."
"I dunno, do I."
"Don't worry, we'll sort this. I talk to Aro and see what he can do."
I went to hang up.
"And Katniss."
"Don't worry about this. Aro will sort it."
"K. Bye"

I flopped onto the couch and leaned my head back. 'This is drama at it's best.' I thought.

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