Christmas special day 11

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Katniss POV:

Katniss POV:

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Katniss POV:

I was sitting in the library when the Cullens walked in. Carlisle walked towards me and stod on the opposite side of the table I was sitting at.

"What you reading?" He asked.
"History of vampires." I replied and he nodded.
"Which part?"
"I'm on the next part." I turned the page and Carlisle leaned forward to look.
"Immortal children. Sure I could tell you about that." He laughed.
I looked up.
"Go on then." I said.

"So basically the Volturi swipped out all immortal chrildren?"
Carlisle nodded.
"What does that make me?"
"Your different."
"How so."
"You were half turned when bitten. Your a hell of a lot different compared to them. You still have human in you."
I nodded.

The door slammed open. I jumped and turned to see Dementri and Felix.
"Katniss, Aro would like to speak to you." He said glaring at the Cullens.
Dementri also glared at them.
I got up but stopped when I got to the boys.
"Don't hurt them. I asked and they answered."
They looked down at me.
"No one will be harmed sweetie, go on now." Dementri smiled and Felix kissed my head before I walked off.

Felix POV:

I watched Katniss turn the corner before looking at the Cullens.

"What did you tell her?" I glared.
"What she asked." Carlisle answered.
"You could of told her no." Dementri stated.
"And have her sheltered from the real rules of the vampire world. You know, technically she is one herself so she is basically learning her history." Edward stated.
Iran over and picked him up against the wall by his neck.

Carlisle POV:

"Felix!" A voice cried from the doorway.
We all turned to see katniss looking at her brother pinning Edward to the wall in fear.
"Katniss." Felix said and stood away from Edward. 
He tried to hug Katniss but he kept standing away.
"No, no." She cried and ran to her room.

We all watched as she ran and I looked at my family. They all nodded and we walked out. I patted Felix on his back while I passed him.

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