Christmas special day 3

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Katniss POV:

Katniss POV:

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"Thank you." I said grabbing the bags.

I walked back to my car and got in. I drove home and went straight to my room. Felix was there. Just as I closed the door my phone went off. Edward. He had been calling non stop since I choose the volturi over them. I don't know why but I decided to answer it.

"What Edward."
"Look did you call for a reason?"
"I'm going to propose to Bella for Christmas."
My heart swelled with happiness slightly but I didn't show it.
"I miss you Katniss come home."
"Edward......." My voice broke slightly.
"Please. It's not the same without you. Alice isn't her bubbly self, Rosalie is more cold hearted then before, Carlisle and Esme space themselves away from us, Jasper is finding it harder to control himself and Emmett isn't as active as he was."
"and you?"
"What about me?"
"do you care that I'm gone?"
"Of course. I miss you. I miss us hanging in the piano room every day after school. I miss singing you to sleep whenever you had a nightmare. I miss you Katniss, it is n't the same without you."
I stayed silent.
"I'l seya at the Christmas party."
"Goodbye edward."

I hung up before letting the tears flow. Felix pulled me into him as I began to sob. I relaxed into his arms and grabbed his shirt.

"I want to forgive him. But I can't."
"It takes time."
I just kept crying. My eyes felt heavy and I eventually fell asleep.

Felix POV:

I held my sister as she cried. It broke my unbeating heart seeing her like this. I felt her become lighter and looked down to see her asleep. I layed her down on the bed and covered her up before lying down next to her. I stroked her hair as she slept. There was a knock on the door and Dementri walked in.

"Aro wants us."
I nodded.
"She alright?"
"She'll be fine." 
I kissed her head and walked to the throne room with Dementri. The others were already there.

"Ahh Felix Dementri. Your here. Now we can start."
We bowed and walked t our mates.
"Now, Carlisle has been in contact with me and I have agreed. The Cullens will be coming earlier to try and resolve with Katniss."
"But Katniss said she didn't want anything to do with them." Jane said.
Aro looked at her.
"Well that is going to change, ain't it. YOu are dismissed."

We all walked out.
"Poor Katniss. How do you think she will take it?" Heidi asked.
"I don't know. I really don't." I said pulling Jane closer to me.

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