Chapter 31

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Katniss POV:

"Hey, I'm heading out

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"Hey, I'm heading out. Want anything?" I called out to the others.
"No thanks."

I walked out of the house and went to my car. After I came back from Italy myself, cato, Clove and Josh bought a house together in La push. I drove to the local chemist and got what I needed before heading off. I decided to go see the Cullens since I was going that direction anyway.

Josh POV:

"OMG she will be so happy." Clove stated.
"I know. I hope she says yes." i smiled.
"Oh she definitely will. She loves you with all her heart." She smiled.
"Thanks Clove." I smiled 
"you know you will be a royal then. To the vampire existence." cato stated.
"I know."
"And your willing to give up normal life for her?"
"She's the love of my live Cato. You'd do the same for Clove."
"Yea. Ohh"~

We heard the door open and turned to see katniss.

"Her babe." I smiled.
"Hey. Clove, can I borrow you for a second."
"Anything I can do?" I asked.
"Not at the minute." She smiled and kissed me before running up stairs.

Katniss POV:

"So you think your pregnant?" Clove asked from my bed as I paced the floor.
"Yes. I have missed my period for 2 months now and I have been getting sick all week and only in the morning. And we, you know, did it, 2 months ago and we kinda, forgot protection."  I muttered the last bit.
"KATNISS!!" clove shouted.
"I know I know. But you can't say much. Remember when you told me your pregnancy scare. Which reminds me, have you told him?"
"Not yet. Maybe, if this comes back positive we can tell them together?"
" That works." I nodded.
Clove looked at the clock.
"it's time."

I sat beside her on the bed.
"Ready?" She asked.
I nodded and picked the test up.
"It's positive." I said in disbelieve.
"Clove placed her hand up to her mouth before pulling me into a hug.
"Congratulations." She smiled as I cried in joy.
"Now to tell the boys." I stated pulling away.

Cato POV:

"So your going to ask her aswell?"
"Yea." I nodded.
"Hope it goes well mate." Josh smiled clapping me on my shoulder.

We got up to go to the girls when they walked in.

"Boys, we need to talk to you." Clove stated.
We looked at each other.
"Josh, come with me." Katniss said talking Joshs hand and walking off to the kitchen.
Clove sat beside me.
"everything ok?" I asked taking her hand.
"Yea, I just have to tell you something." She smiled
"I'm all ears." I smiled rubbing my thumb over her hand.
She took a deep breathe.

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