Chapter 40

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Katniss POV:

"Morning." josh said happily.
"Morning." I groaned as I sat at the table.
"You ok"
"Then what's up?"
"Just feel weird."

We looked up as Clove and Cato walked in. Clove held her swollen stomach as she sat down.

"Morning." Cato said.
"Morning." Josh said as I just smiled.
clove groaned.
"What's up?" Cato asked walking over to her.
"Just feel weird." She said.
"Funny you say that, so does Katniss." Josh said.
"It's probably just gas. Sure your not due for another week."Cato said as he made tea and put a cup in front of us.
"Thanks." We smiled and took a sup.

Clove/katniss POV:

I gasped as a sharp pain went through my stomach and placed the tea on the table before grabbing the table. The boys looked towards us, worried. Another pain shot through causing me to cry out. this caused the boys to run to us.

"hat? What's wrong?" They asked.
"The baby, I think it's coming." I said looking at them.

They looked at us in shock before shooting into action.

Josh POV:

Cato and I ran upstairs and into our rooms. I grabbed the hospital bag and ran back down stairs with Cato close behind. We ran outside and threw the bags into the car before running in and picking up Clove and Katniss. They clung to us as we placed them into the car. I got in the back with Katniss as Cato got in the front with Clove beside him in the passenger seat.

"Just breathe girls, we'll get you to the hospital as soon as possible." Cato said starting the car.
"we've to go to Carlisle, the Cullens place." katniss said as she controlled her breathing.
"Alright, I guess we're going to the Cullens then."

Cato stepped on the peddle and went as fast as he could. As soon as we got to the Cullens they ran out. Emmett and Edward picked up the girls before rushing into the house with Bella and Alice following. Carlisle walked up to us.

"How far along?"
"About 5mins max." I said.
"same for Clove?" He asked Cato.

carlisle nodded before him and Esme ran inside. Cato and I grabbed the bags before following. Alice and Bella came out of a room and walked towards us.

"They're in there. Good luck." Alice said before they walked out.

We walked into the room to see the girls laying on a hospital like bed. Emmett and Edward looked at us before walking out, clapping our backs as they passed us. We went to Clove and Katniss and held their hands.

"They will need a C section since we can not tell what they are." Carlisle explained.
We nodded. Esme walked over to Katniss while Carlisle walked over to Clove.
"ready?" Esme asked her showing her a small needle.
Katniss nodded and Esme gave her the injection. We had to wait until the numbing took its place.
"Can you feel this?" Carlisle asked them.
"No." They said.
They shook their heads. Carlisle looked at Esme and she nodded.
"It's time."
Carlisle and Esme both  grabbed a scalpel before starting their work. 

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