Chapter 34

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Katniss POV:

The doors opened to reveal Aro, Cauis, Marcus and the guards. As we walked towards them I looked at them all. Felix and Dementri were on the left as usual and Jane and Alec were onthe right. Heidi was holding Dementris hand. There was another girl that I didn't know beside Alec, holding his hand. My attention was snapped back to Aro as he clapped his hands.

"Ahh Katniss. What a pleasant surprise. And you brought your friends with you, how wonderful, how are you my dear?" He asked walking towards us.
"Good. How are you?" I asked stopping about a foot away from them.
 He nodded before looking at Clove, Cato and Josh. He eyed Clove as he spoke.
"Good good. What, hat are you doing here?"
I took a deep breath.
"To tell you all something." i said as Cato and Josh stood infront of us slightly in a protective stand.
"And that is?" He asked eyeing the boys.
I took a deep breath and looked at Clove.
"Josh imprinted on me and we are engaged." I started.
"go on." He said warily.
"And myself and Clove are pregnant."
"Impossible." Cauis snapped causing the boys to move more infront of us as we jumped.

Aro placed his hand up before lucking at me.
"Come forward child." He held his hand out.
I took a deep breath and pushed past Cato and Josh and towards Aro. The boys growled as Aro took my hand. 
"Magnificent." he said suddenly.
Josh grabbed my shoulder and pulled me to his side. I looked to Felix to see him glaring at Josh.
"Well congratulations i guess." He stated, hesitant.
I nodded.
"You are all dismissed."

We all moved and once outside I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding. As we made our way back out felix and the others came over. I looked at them warily but was surprised when he pulled me into a hug.

"Congratulations." He said pulling away.
"Thanks." I said.
I then looked at the girl who was still beside Alec, holding his hand.
"And you are?" I asked sweetly.
"Oh my apologizes. My name is Blaire. I'm new here." She smiled holding out her hand.
"Well welcome I suppose. My name is Katniss. I'm not here often because I recently moved out but I am felix's biological little sister." I smiled shaking her hand.
she smiled at me.

"Boys." I heard Heidi warn and I turned to look at them.
"Boys that ain't going to change anything." I sighed seeing glare at Josh.
They turned and looked at me innocently. I sighed.
"This is going to be a long process." I muttered.

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