Chapter 1

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As always, the classes at high school were the most boring things in the world. And it was worse if it was Friday.

I was the best student in my class, but I also was the outcast, the one who would never be accepted between the “normal” students just because of how I looked like.

In really, I didn't give a shit about that.

I was sat at the bottom of the class. Bored as fuck because no one of my friends were in the same class as me.

Our biology teacher appeared with a guy I'd never seen before. I heard a lot of “ooh” coming from the other students because it was an “emo” guy. I sighed. It was the beginning of the year and I already wanted to kill more than one person. I also heard one of the “popular” guys saying “whoa, another emo” and it just blurted out of my mouth.

– Shut the fuck up Ross – he glared at me, also the group of posh girls that was around him. I looked at the new guy and smiled.

The guy seemed quite. He had spiky black hair and awesome blue eyes. He was pale like me and was wearing black clothes with chains.

– Students please, let me present you the new student we have with us this year. He is Jeremy Ferguson – there was silence and then the teacher asked him to sit down.

As the spot next to me was the only one empty, he didn't have too many options.

The teacher started writing things on the blackboard, but I turned to face the guy.

– Hey, I'm Alex – I said smiling.

– Hello...I'm Jeremy – he said in a low tone.

I could perfectly hear my classmates talking about the new guy and also about how weird he was. And I could tell he was listening.

– Don't listen to them – I smirked again, trying to cheer him.

He nodded and then started copying what the teacher was writing on the blackboard.

This was going to be hard.


Another school. I sighed as I walked next to my biology teacher.

He looked at me from the corner of his eye. I could tell he was disappointed because of my looks.

In really, I didn't give a shit. I was so used to that type of people that I ignored them.

When I came in the class the first thing I heard was a “whoa another emo”. Really?

But then I heard a loud “shut the fuck up Ross” from the end of the class. I looked in that direction to see a girl all in black that smiled at me.

– Students please, let me present you the new student we have with us this year. He is Jeremy Ferguson – there was silence and then the teacher asked me to sit down.

I sat down next to the only girl that seemed normal for me; the girl that talked before.

The teacher started writing things on the blackboard, and she turned to face me.

– Hey, I'm Alex – she said smiling.

– Hello...I'm Jeremy – I said in a low tone. She seemed nice but I was kind of nervous because of being in a new school again.

I could perfectly hear the things they were saying, and they weren't nice.

– Don't listen to them – Alex smirked.

I nodded and decided to copy what was on the blackboard.

At lunch time I just decided to sat down and listen to some music while I ate. I was alone but I didn't matter about that. I wanted to go out and go with my real friends, with my band.


At lunch time I was talking with my friend Lyra. She was nice but also loud. I turned looking for a free spot where we could sit when I saw Jeremy sitting alone.

We walked next to him and he lifted his eyes to us.

– Hey, can we sit with you? – I asked. He nodded.

– Yeah, this is a free country – I laughed a little.

– So, Jeremy, this is Lyra. Lyra this is Jeremy – they said hi to each other and then there was a silence.

Lyra went out because she had to fix somethings. I looked his ear buds.

– What are you listening? – I asked and then ate a grape. Yes, I was eating fruit. I was a healthy person. And it was also that school food was crap.

– Ehm...Motley Crue – he said. No way.

– Ohh, can I? – I asked him. He looked at me surprised but nodded and headed me one ear bud.

I sat down next to him and put it on my ear. I sang low the lyric of the song and he smiled a little.

– What? – I said smiling and blushing a little as I sat down back at my spot and ate another grape.

He denied with his head and ate what he had in his hand. Apparently an energy bar or something like that.

– You sing well – he said. I blushed a little again.

– I don't, but I don't mind – I shrugged. He lifted his eyes to me.

– I'm talking seriously, your voice is beautiful – he smiled and bit his energy bar.

– Well, thank you – I said, not knowing where to look.

I stood up because we had to go to our next class and he did the same. He looked at his schedule and frowned. I came next to him and looked it.

– C'mon, I'll show you were your Math class is – I said starting to walk to the high building.

He came after me after turning off his Ipod.

I left him in his class and went to my art class. Yeah, I was studying art, photography...and also some subjects like biology and physics just in case.

I didn't want to go to the university, I want to do something related with art. Maybe take place in a music group, or have my own photography company.

The teacher was explaining something about how to draw bodies but I was sketching lost in my thoughts when he called me.

– Alex! What are you doing? – I blinked and he took the peace of paper I was drawing in.

– Oh! I'm sorry Mr. Klain – I said trying to take it back.

– This is...this is amazing – he said surprised. I didn't know what I sketched so I wanted to see what was so incredible.

– Who is it? – he said as I took back the paper. I realized that I had drawn a sketch of Jeremy.

– H-He is just a friend – I said.

At the end of the classes I practically ran out and hit with someone. Then I realized it was my friend Drake. I breathed in relief.

We walked out the building and headed to my home since it was in the same way of his house.

As always mom and dad weren't at home. I sighed and said goodbye to Drake.

– Hello mum, dad, I'm at home – I said talking to myself. The were always working. I only see them at weekends.

I cam to the kitchen and took some spaghettis from the fridge and put them in the microwave. At least mum cooked something for me today.

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