Chapter 14

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Since that notice we watched on TV, Jinxx and I received a lot of questions everywhere asking if we were together. Social networks, paparazzis, even phone calls of friends.

I was actually tired of answering those questions. We were just friends for God's sake.

But when I thought that the things couldn't get worse, something new happened.

One day I was with Henry in the mall buying things for the bus when something flashed us and the next thing that was on TV was a notice about me cheating Jinxx with Henry.

C'mon! And with Henry? He was gay.

I was getting pissed off. I decided to stay away from Jinxx and so maybe they would left that stupid rumor.

But then there was another one about me. They said that I broke Jinxx's heart.

In the next city we stopped I didn't walk out the tour bus. I was just going to go to the concert and then back to the bus.

– Yo, we're here – Jordan appeared in the door and looked in my direction since I was the only one laying down in my bunk.

– I'm not going out – I shrugged.

– Uh? And why not? – he questioned frowning.

– I don't want to – I shrugged again. He sighed.

– Whatever you want Lex – he turned around and disappeared.

I put on my ear buds and lost myself in the music.


I knew that Alex was stressed because of that stupid gossip, but she was ignoring me again! And that made me be stressed too. I didn't do anything, why is she ignoring me now?

I was sat on the couch thinking when Jake patted my back.

– What's up bro? – he asked, turning on the TV.

– Thinking – I said.

He looked at me and turned off the TV.

– Alex? – he asked. I nodded with my head resting in my hands. He sighed.

– I was thinking, if you love her, and she loves you...why aren't you both together? – I lifted my eyes to him. He raised an eyebrow.

– I don't really know, I don't want to make her feel uncomfortable since we have to meet each other again – I sighed.

– Dude, just go and tell her how you feel – he turned on the TV again and the conversation was over.

I stood up and went outside the tour bus. I breathed deeply and went to her bus. I knocked on the door but there was no answer. And the door was open...

I came in and looked for someone.

– Hello? – I asked. No answer.

There was a voice coming from the bunk area so I went there and found Alex in her bunk. I knocked on the door heavy enough for her to listen.

She looked in my direction and frowned a little as she pulled off one of her ear buds.

– What are you doing here? – she asked me.

– The door was open and I need to talk to you – I said.

She sighed and told me to sat next to her. I climbed and sat there. Alex put her eyes on me.

– So? – she asked.

– Look, I don't know what I did so I don't understand why you're ignoring me – I told her.

– You didn't do anything – she said.

– That's what I'm telling you, that I didn't do anything...wait, what? – I asked blinking.

– I said that you didn't do anything – she returned.

– And why are you ignoring me? – I was a little lost.

She sighed and put her hair in a ponytail before talking.

– I was pissed off and I thought that the only thing that was gonna stop the gossips was me not talking to you – she said. I opened my mouth to say something but closed it again.

– But that didn't happened, now they're saying that I broke your heart – she continued.


There was a knock on the door heavy enough for me to listen even with the music on. I looked in the direction of the door and frowned a little when I saw Jinxx there. I pulled off one of my ear buds.

– What are you doing here? – I asked him. How did he come in without asking first?

– The door was open and I need to talk to you – he said.

I sighed and told him to sat next to me. If there wasn't any other way at least we should be comfortable.

– So? – I asked.

– Look, I don't know what I did so I don't understand why you're ignoring me – he told me.

– You didn't do anything – I said.

– That's what I'm telling you, that I didn't do anything...wait, what? – he asked blinking. Time to explain the things.

– I said that you didn't do anything – I returned. He seemed to be lost. A lot.

– And why are you ignoring me? – He asked.

I sighed and put my hair in a ponytail before talking. That gave me time to order my thoughts.

– I was pissed off and I thought that the only thing that was gonna stop the gossips was me not talking to you – I said. I wasn't sure if he understood me well. He opened his mouth, but I continued talking and he closed it again.

– But that didn't happened, now they're saying that I broke your heart – I continued.

– But that didn't happen, actually I was the one that broke your heart twice... – he said looking down.

Something in me made me feel horrible for just stopping talking to him, and looking how bad he seemed because of me was even worse. He seemed paler than usually and those eyes that made me melt now were full of sadness.

I didn't know what happened exactly but a minute later my lips crashed with his and we started to kiss each other passionately.

Something made me need his lips more than the air I breathed.

And so there's we were, kissing each other like there was no tomorrow when a knock on the door made us come back to reality.

– Uh...I'm sorry for ruining your little party, but we have to be ready at 6 o'clock Jinxx – Jake said catching our attention, he pointed to his watch and then disappeared again leaving us alone.

Jinxx looked down to his watch and saw it was 4:30 already. He looked in my direction. I bit my lip.

– Wow – he said and I couldn't help but smile.

– Yeah, wow – I answered and blushed a little.

– I...have to go to get ready for tonight... – Jinxx said still in the same spot.

– I know – I bit my lip again. I really didn't want him to go but if he had to...

– Alex... – his melodic voice called.

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