Chapter 4

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The time has past really fast without knowing it. It has been six months since Jeremy came here. He told me to call him Jinxx, but I felt somehow weird doing it.

I was at my photography class when I turned around and saw a big poster. It was the high school dance. I sighed. Why did the high school have to celebrate it? It was ridiculous. A lot of fake smiles and expensive dresses.

At lunch I sat down with Jinxx, Lyra and Drake. We talked about the dance. Lyra was excited, also Drake. Jinxx didn't seem interested.

The only good thing about dances is that people of other high schools can come.

– So Alex, have you decided what are you going to wear? – Lyra asked excited. I ate a fried chip before answer.

– Uhm...A pair of jeans and a Misfits t-shirt? – I said. Jinxx smiled and so did I. She frowned.

– We need to get you a dress – Drake and Jinxx looked at us.

– That would be weird – Drake said laughing.

– I haven't seen you in a dress yet – Jinxx commented.

– I don't even want to go to that stupid dance, why would I wear a dress Lyra? – she looked shocked.

– will be fun – she pouted. I sighed.

– Yeah, it would be fun if we go all together, but you're probably going with a partner and so I'll be alone – I ate another fried chip.

She didn't say anything.

– You see, I'm right – I stood up. They all looked at me.

– Where are you going? – Drake asked.

– I have a free hour and I want to go to take some pictures and make some sketches – I shrugged and went to the outside.


I was bored as fuck in my morning classes. There were a lot of posters of the high school dance too. I didn't like too much dances. I don't know, I was used to go with my friends, but this time I “should” have a partner.

At lunch I sat down with Alex, Lyra and Drake. We talked about the dance. Lyra was excited, also Drake.

The only good thing about dances is that people of other high schools can come. I'll probably ask the guys if they want to come.

– So Alex, have you decided what are you going to wear? – Lyra asked excited. She ate a fried chip before answer.

– Uhm...A pair of jeans and a Misfits t-shirt? – She said. I smiled and so did she. Lyra frowned.

– We need to get you a dress – Drake and I looked at them.

– That would be weird – Drake said laughing.

– I haven't seen you in a dress yet – I commented. I actually wanted to.

– I don't even want to go to that stupid dance, why would I wear a dress Lyra? – she looked shocked.

– will be fun – she pouted. Alex sighed.

– Yeah, it would be fun if we go all together, but you're probably going with a partner, so I'll be alone – she ate another fried chip.

She didn't say anything. Maybe I should ask her to be my partner or something.

– You see, I'm right – Alex stood up. We all looked at her.

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