Chapter 32

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Ashley and I went to the hospital the next morning as soon as we could. Jake and CC were coming later, but they needed to do some errands first.

I slowly opened the door to find Andy and Alex asleep. The room was in complete silence until I touched Andy's shoulder, waking him up.

– Uhmm – he rubbed his eyes and looked at us.

– How was the night? – I asked glancing at Alex for a moment and then back to him.

– Oh, fine we both fell asleep until now – Andy said. Ashley gave him his car keys.

– Dude, go to your house and do whatever you have to, we'll stay here with her – Andy scratched his hair and nodded. He stood up and caught Ash's keys.

– I'll come later – he confirmed before disappearing through the door.

I plopped down where Andy had been sitting that whole time and put my eyes on Alex.

– You really like her, don't you? – Ashley asked smiling at me.

I nodded and blushed a bit. What could I do?

– I'll bring some coffee – he said and left the room.

So there we were again, Alex and I in the same room; how was that going to end?


I woke up but didn't really feel like opening my eyes. A humming caught my attention and made me open them to find a calm Jinxx looking at me.

– Hey there – I murmured stretching myself. He smiled.

– What's up – he answered. I half smiled.

– How long have you been there? – I questioned since I didn't know when the visiting hours started and finished.

– About ten minutes – he shrugged.

– It's nice to be back, but I wished it'd have been complete – I half-joked / half-said. He smiled sadly.

– I'm sorry about yesterday – He sighed. I frowned.

– About what? – I questioned. What the hell was he talking about?

– You know, me standing here not knowing what to do so you had to wait for Andy to come and calm you – I rolled my eyes and sighed.

– It's not your fault Jinxx, don't blame yourself, I don't know if I would have known how to react neither

– I touched his hand.

Right then a happy Ash walked in carrying two coffees. I smiled. Ashley was always in a happy mode during the mornings, unless he had a hangover obviously.


I walked in and found Jinxx and Alex hand in hand looking at each other in the eyes. Ugh, awkward moment.

– Hey hey hey, Ashley's in the room so let's start the party – Alex smiled at me and Jinxx laughed.

– Hi Ash – Alex said.

– morning voice, how did you sleep? – I asked handing Jinxx his coffee and sitting in the side of Alex's bed.

– Fine I guess, it's easy when you're drugged – she shrugged. I half-smiled.

I sipped some of my coffee.

– Can I take some? – Alex asked to both of us. We looked at each other and then back at her.

– I don't know, can you? – Jinxx asked.

She pouted a bit. Jinxx smiled and stood up, loosing his seat because I sat where he was before. He rolled his eyes.

– I'll ask the nurse, okay? – Alex nodded. Jinxx went out the room.

Alex's eyes and mine met and we both laughed about something we didn't know.

– He's doing his best, you know? – I told her. She smiled and nodded.

– Yes, he's too good sometimes – she answered.

– Are you both trying to be together again? – I asked curious. She shrugged.

– I don't know, maybe, but not now – she said looking down at her arm.

Yes, that was a problem in her life right then.

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