Chapter 27

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I stood there looking where Lauri had been a few seconds ago. What was I supposed to do? I couldn't just go and tell him that I felt the same way because, somehow I did, but I didn't want to have a kid in that moment.

The silence was filled with the sound of the piano Lauri had in the studio. I smiled; I loved how he played the piano.

I walked to the studio but stopped and rested my back in the wall next to the door. He was singing. And the song had sad lyrics for what I was hearing.

I felt horrible...maybe I should give him an opportunity? Maybe he was able to make me happy.

The door was open, so I rested my head in the door frame and looked at him. He didn't lift his eyes, he continued playing the piano.

– Lauri... – I finally said after a minute in silence. I was debating inside my head what to do.

He stopped for a moment and I thought he was going to listen to me but he just changed the keys he was using.

What? Now he was ignoring me? What was the point in that? I clenched my fists.

– You know what? Ignore me if you want. I don't give a shit, I'm tired of people acting that way with me for no reason – I said and turned around.

If he wanted to be alone he just needed to say it. But I was faster than him. I came to my room and caught my bag from down the bed. I took my clothes from the wardrobe and put them on the bed.

Between all the clothes I had on my bed I saw my mobile phone and caught it unconsciously. I searched between my friends numbers and stopped between Andy's and Jinxx's. I wanted so badly to hear his voice saying that everything was okay...

I dialed Jinxx's number but when the second beep sounded I hanged out. No, Alex, you couldn't just call saying “hi” like if nothing had happened.

I started putting my clothes in the bag again when there was a loud smash in the keys of the piano.

I stopped for a moment but continued with what I was doing. He could break the piano if he wanted to.


It's been nearly a month since she broke up with me. I decided to “continue” with my life, or at least try it because Sammi had all her confidence in me. She had helped me a lot.

What I felt bad about was that I couldn't love her like I used to do. My heart belonged to Alex and would always be in that way.

For the first time in this month I was out of our house with the guys. We were having “fun” in the mall.

– Guys, I'm going to the music store, I'll see you later – I said turning around; Andy came almost running after me.

– I'm going with you – he smiled at me and we went to the store.

– Okay – I simply replied and shrugged.

– How are you Jinxx? – he asked, his eyes on a CD he had in his hands.

I left one I had in my hands on a shelf and looked at him for a moment.

– All the fine I can be, I guess – I sighed.

– Everything will be okay – he said believing his own words.

I was going to reply but my mobile phone started buzzing in my pocket. I took it and looked at the screen.

Was I dreaming or what?

I looked at Andy who was as surprised at me. What happened to Alex to call me?

I was going to answer but she hanged out. Fuck. I should had replied as soon as I saw it was her.

– I'll be back in a sec – Andy said and I nodded, looking at my phone.


What the hell happened to Alex? To call Jinxx she should be really bad.

I dialed her number and it ringed three times before she answered it.

– Hi... – she said, her voice as if she was about to cry.

– What's wrong baby angel? – I said. I didn't like to see her in that way.

– I don't want to stay here Andy – she said. I frowned.

– What happened? – I asked again.

– Nothing, just...I'm buying a ticket for today back to LA – there was noise around her. What was she doing?

– Okay, be fine, I'll be waiting for you – I said.

– Thanks Andy – I could tell there was a little smile in her lips right then.

I came back where Jinxx was and his eyes flew from the CD he was looking to me concerned.

– What happened to her? – he asked anxiously.

– Nothing – I patted his shoulder.

– Andy, she called me, what the hell happened? – he demanded.

– She just told me that she don't want to be there anymore – I sighed.

– I'm sure Lauri did something, I'm so fucking going to kill him if I ever see him again – he clenched his fists.

– Calm down, we don't know what happened, but if she called you that is a good sign, don't you think? – I raised an eyebrow.

He looked at me and nodded. It was just time to wait.

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