Chapter 24

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It's been two weeks since they took the plane back to LA.

Living with Lauri was great, and I was learning Finnish; I'd always wanted to learn it.

One day he came back home late after doing some stuff he needed to organize. When I lifted my eyes to him, I saw that his hair was blond again.

– OMG, you bleached your hair again – I said covering my mouth with one hand.

He looked himself in the mirror.

– What? It looks bad or what? – He questioned.

I denied with my head.

– No, I like it, it's just...weren't you doing some important stuff? – he smiled.

– My hair is an important stuff – he shrugged; I rolled my eyes.


Today was a party day, and I was trying to make Jinxx came with me. He had been in his room for like a day and I was getting scared. Was he still alive between all the things that were in the floor of his room?

– Jinxx – I questioned knocking on his door.

– Leave me alone – he answered.

– C'mon, don't be a killjoy and go with me, I can get you some chicks to have fun – he threw something to the door, making me close it again.

– Whatever – I rolled my eyes and walked downstairs.

– CC! Let's go, Jinxx won't come out his room in a million years more or less – CC appeared in the living room with his party hat and a Tequila bottle.

– Why are you bringing a bottle? We're going to a bar – I raised an eyebrow.

– Just in case – he shrugged. I smiled and we both exited the house.


How could I do so many things wrong in a short period of time. I was so deep in my thoughts that the knock on the door scared me and almost made me jump in the spot where I was.

– Jinxx – Ashley questioned knocking on my door again.

– Leave me alone – I answered. They didn't understand that I wanted to be alone.

– C'mon, don't be a killjoy and go with me, I can get you some chicks to have fun – I threw something to the door, making him close the door again. I didn't knew what I threw, it was too dark in the room.

– Whatever – he said and walked downstairs.

– CC! Let's go, Jinxx won't come out his room in a million years more or less – I heard him yelled from his spot in the living room.

– Fuck you Ashley – I muttered to myself and lied down in my bed.

The only time when I was able to be happy was when I slept, because when I slept I dreamed that Alex and I were still together.


I plopped down on the leather couch Lauri had and caught the Xbox remote control, ready to start playing Call of Duty, but Lauri appeared in the living room, wearing smart clothes and looked at me.

I raised an eyebrow.

– Where are you going? – I asked as I put my hair in a ponytail.

– Do you have a date? – I smiled, lifting my eyebrows.

– No, a friend had invited us to the premiere of his film and he asked if we wanted to go – he shrugged.

– So you and the guys are going to be out all night? – I left the remote control next to me on the couch and turned to look at him.

– I was thinking that maybe you wanted to go with us – he tilted his head to one side.

– I don't know, I'm not invited – I said.

– I asked if I could bring someone and he said it was alright – his face covered with his signature smile.

– Well, in that case... – I bit my lower lip and then jumped from the couch.

– Give me 15 minutes – I said running to my room.

I prepared myself as fast as I could. I put on a leather, but comfortable dress, and a pair of black heels. I applied myself some make up, brushed my hair and teeth and I was done.

– How am I? – I asked Lauri as I entered the living room.

– Wow – he said wide eyed.

I smiled. A flashback from the dance night in high school came to my mind.

– I'll take that as a “pretty” – I caught my purse and my coat and exited the house.

Lauri came after me and opened the car door for me. What a gentleman. I smiled and sat down in the passenger's seat. He sat down in the driver's seat and buckled the seat belt.

– You know, you're more than pretty – he flashed me a half smile and started the car engine. A pale pink came to my cheeks as I looked outside the window to hide myself.

I was lost in my thoughts when I heard Lauri humming one of his songs. A half smile crossed my face as I turned to look at him and started singing with him.

– You remember that song – he said smiling, his eyes on the road.

– Of course I do, it's one of my favorites – we continued talking and singing the rest of the way until we arrived to a big cinema full of paparazzi.

Fuck, I didn't thought about that, I didn't want to be the spotlight.

– What are you thinking about? – He asked as he turned off the car engine and looked at me.

I lifted my eyes to met his. You know what I was thinking about? I was thinking that I didn't want to be the food of the paparazzi and that I didn't want Jinxx to see this.

Here we go again (Jinxx love story)Where stories live. Discover now