Chapter 9

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I came in the studio noticing their eyes on me. Apart from having a big headache and a sore throat, I was upset because Devon was in New York. As a tattoo artist, his job was all around the world. It had been a week since we saw each other for the last time. As we lived together, the house was really empty without him.

Andy left with Jinxx and Ashley.

I sat down on the leather couch again, ignoring all the people and took my notebook. I kept thinking that something was different but didn't know what it was until I lifted my eyes. Next to Mike there was someone I didn't notice before. It was Devon?! OMG!

I jumped from the couch to his opened arms. We hanged out while the guys were practicing.

– OMG I can't believe you're here – I said with all the voice I had.

– You're aphonic – he said moving my bangs from my eyes. I nodded.

– I don't mind as long as you're here – I said making him smile.

– I love you Alex – he said and kissed me.

– Love ya too Devon – I kissed back.

We stayed there some more and then went to our house. Having him with me was the best thing that happened to me in all the week.

We were curled up on the couch watching a film in the TV with a blanket covering us. My throat was better. At least I was able to speak low and it didn't hurt me.

– How long are you staying? – I asked meeting his eyes.

– I don't know, maybe four or six days I think – he sighed. I did it too.

– We're going on tour in a week and I'll be out for a month... – I said.

He tightened the arm he had around my waist and kissed my forehead.

– I know it's difficult, but we can do it Alex – he didn't seem too much sure of what he was saying.

– I don't want this to end Devon, but the distance is killing me. We spend more time separated than together... – he looked at me with sad eyes.

– You think we should break? – he asked.

I just buried my face in his chest and closed my eyes.

3 hours later I woke up alone covered with the blanket. I stood up and went to the kitchen. There was a delicious smell. Devon was cooking lasagna.

I smiled as I put my hair in a ponytail and kissed him softly.

– It smells really good – I said.

– Thanks, I remembered you loved lasagna so I decided to cook one for you – he smiled.

I realized my voice was perfect and that my throat didn't hurt anymore.

– About what we were talking before... – he said looking at me.

– I don't know what we should do Devon – I sighed.

– You know I love you, but I don't think we can fix this if we're always traveling by our own – he turned to face me.

– I know, but, should we just break up and that's it? I mean, we love each other – I said looking the lasagna in the oven.

– I don't know what else we can do – he sighed.

– If this is the final decision why don't we wait at least until I go on tour? – I asked. He slightly smiled.

– Sounds good to me – he said and kissed my forehead.

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