Chapter 26

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My jaw dropped to the floor as his clothes had done a moment ago. We stood there in silence for like forever until he spoke.

– Do you want me to buy know...just in case... – he said. I nodded.

– Please – he nodded and caught his clothes again from the floor.

– I'll be back in 10 minutes – he said as he put on his t-shirt.

I sighed and rested my head in the pillow. What the hell was I thinking about that night?

It took forever for those ten minutes to finish, but finally Lauri opened the door of the bedroom and came in with a little bag in his hand.

– Here you go – he said and gave it to me. You could see he was nervous as fuck.

I stood up and went to the bathroom. I opened the box and looked at the predictor for a moment, then sighed and used it.

I waited five minutes but didn't feel confident enough to look at it.

– Lauri – I called. He appeared in the door.

– Yes? Is everything okay? – He said worried.

– I don't know...can you look it for me? – I almost begged. He doubted but caught it and looked at it.

– What does it say? – I asked nervous.

He lifted his eyes to me, his lips in a thin line.


I shouldn't have accepted to do what Jinxx asked me to. If I hadn't done it, he probably would have stayed with Alex. Because of me he was so sad that he almost never ate and was always in his room. I felt so bad...

I had to do something.


Her jaw dropped to the floor as my clothes had done a moment ago. We stood there in silence for like forever until I spoke.

– Do you want me to buy know...just in case... – I said. How was I supposed to ask that in a normal way?

She nodded.

– Please – I nodded and caught my clothes again from the floor.

– I'll be back in 10 minutes – I said as I put on my t-shirt.

I put on my jeans in my way down the stairs and caught my car keys and drove to the nearest pharmacy. The girl looked at me like if she knew me, but lucky of me she didn't recognize me.

I drove back home and almost ran upstairs. I opened the door of the bedroom and came in with the little bag in my hand.

– Here you go – I said and gave it to her. I was nervous as fuck. What if she was pregnant?

She stood up and went to the bathroom. The time passed to0 slowly. I started bitting my nails.

– Lauri – She called from the bathroom. I jumped from the bed and appeared in the door.

– Yes? Is everything okay? – I asked worried.

– I don't know...can you look it for me? – She almost begged. I doubted but caught it and looked at it.

– What does it say? – she asked nervous.

I lifted my eyes from the predictor to her, my lips in a thin line.

– What? – she asked again, standing up.

– You're not pregnant – in the moment I said it, I felt a little sad, in fact. She breathed and hugged me. I hugged back but I was lost in my thoughts.


I lifted my eyes to look directly in his eyes. They were lost.

– Lauri? – I asked. He blinked and smiled at me, but I knew it was a fake one.

– Yes sweet? – he answered.

– What's wrong? – I asked. He couldn't avoid me with just a smile.

– Nothing – he said and avoided my look.

– Don't mess with me – I said in a serious tone.

– Just...nothing – he said and went outside the bathroom.

I went behind him and caught his hand, making him turn around.

– No, tell me – I demanded.

– It's just that for a moment I imagined that we could form a family, okay? – he said directly.

I stayed quite. He thought about me in that way? As like to form a family together? Wow.

I opened my mouth but closed it. What could I say?

– There's no need for you to say anything – He said and walked away of my room.

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