Chapter 25

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The question was: why did I care about what Jinxx could see? I skipped that question.

– Are you okay? – Lauri snapped me out of my thoughts. I blinked twice.

– Yes, yes, just thinking – I got out the car and when we walked to the entrance we were flashed by a lot of cameras and questions from everywhere.

Lauri just put his characteristic smile on and continued walking, practically pushing me, until we reached the room where the film was going to be shown.

We sat down next to the rest of his band and waited until the film started.

– Do you know what's the film about? – I asked minutes before the lights went off.

– Nop – he flashed me a half smile. Damn, that smile was sexy.


The film was boring, a lot, but at least I spent a great time with Alex and the guys. They apparently thought that it would be fun to go to some bar and celebrate that Alex was staying with us here in Helsinki for some time.

I didn't expect to see Alex drinking since she had always hated alcohol, but that night she drank a lot.

Even when I was a little dizzy, I had to carry her. All the way to our house door was a challenge. She was giggling all the time and doing stupid things while I tried to find the correct key.

After coming in the house, she went to the living room and left the heels in her way there.

I came to the bathroom and when I came out she was sat on the couch.

– Lauri, I'm tired – she said like a little girl, opening her arms for me to catch her.

I rolled my eyes and smiled. I'd never seen her like that, but it was funny somehow.

– Let's go to bed then – I picked her up and made my way to her room.

She rested her head in my shoulder while I was carrying her, I looked down to find her eyes on me. I smiled to her while opening the door with one foot. I left her in her bed and was going to go but she kept her arms around my neck.

– C'mon Alex, let me go, we have to sleep – I said.

– Noo – she said and buried her face in the side of my neck.

– Alex... – I said. She was drunk, and she needed to rest or she would do something she would be sorry about later.

– Stay with me – she almost whispered.

– I'll be in the next room – I laughed.

She looked at me with puppy eyes and I sighed. I was going to answer her when her lips crushed against mine. At first I was so surprised I didn't know how to react, but then...her lips were so soft and desirable.

It got harder than I thought, and a few minutes later she was taking of my shirt. Clothes on the floor everywhere.


I woke up with a major headache. I was curled up next to someone, and the heat of his body was so attractive against the cold outside.

I didn't open my eyes, I was too comfortable.

A few minutes later there was a groan and a voice I knew too well.

– Oh fuck – Lauri said as I lifted my eyes to meet his.

I face-palmed myself. Between all the people in this world I had to choose one of my best friends.

– Tell me we didn't – I said, my eyes half-closed because they hurt with the light.

Our eyes went to the floor where our clothes were and we both groaned.

– We were both too drunk Alex, it's not the end of the world – he said taking his boxers from the floor and putting them on under the sheets.

– Are you sure about that? – I said with one hand in my head. It hurt, fucking hangover.

– Yes – he stood up and caught the rest of his clothes.

I looked at him as he went to the door. He was sexy.


Then another thought came to my mind.

– Lauri... – I called swallowing.

– Yes? – he turned around, for once his face serious.

– Did you use protection...? – His eyes went wide as he left his clothes fall to the floor.


Alcohol and loneliness, that's what my life was filled with. I wasn't too interested in playing guitar and violin anymore, just for the shows and because it was my job. Without Alex, everything was a job; there was no hobby or fun in my life.

Usually I felt horrible but that night it was worst; it was like if I knew the worst thing in the world was going to happen.

I came to bed with that sensation in my chest and didn't fall asleep until 2 am, even when I came to bed at 10 pm.

Before I fell asleep I caught my phone and looked all the pictures I still had of Alex and I. I thought about the possibility of calling her...but I threw it to the trash.

Why would she listen to me? Why would she even care to catch the phone? She probably was having the best time of her life in Helsinki with her best friend Lauri. I could imagine them together in bed, and it hurt so badly inside.

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