Chapter 13

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The next morning when I woke up I felt that I needed something back from my old life, and when I was having breakfast it just came to my mind.

As soon as I ended with my cereals I called Juliet. She was in my bus 40 minutes after with all ready. I was dying my hair in red again. It just blurted up in my mind.

Like two and a half hours later my hair was exactly like it used to be in high school; well, it was longer.

Juliet and I decided to ask the guys if they wanted to eat with us since my band mates just disappeared an hour ago and I didn't know where they were. We were going to buy some food at Burger King.

We came to their bus and knocked on the door.

Ashley opened it and a smile came across his face.

– Look what we got here – he said.

I laughed and hugged him.

Andy was drinking a coke and looking something in his laptop. He lifted his eyes to us and he smiled.

– Heey, where did you leave your mum? We have a concert tonight – he said. Juliet and I laughed.

– Ha ha – I said as I plopped down next to him.

He winked at me. I rolled my eyes smiling.

– So, what do you think? – Juliet asked to him about my hair.

– I love it. That color brings a lot of memories back – he nudged me with his elbow. I laughed.

CC appeared from the bunk area just wearing his boxers.

– Wooow too much information – I said.

Andy and Juliet laughed. CC looked in my direction and stuck his tongue out.

– My bus, my rules baby – and then disappeared in the bathroom.

I rolled my eyes.

– So, if you're in my bus and I appeared only wearing my underwear it would be fine?! – I yelled so CC could hear me.

– Yep – he yelled back. I laughed.

– Hey, call me if you do that, I'll love to see it – Ashley said sitting down next to me.

I punched his shoulder playfully.

– You dirty mind – I said. He smiled.

– Eh, Purdy mind – he corrected me. I rolled my eyes smirking.

There was no sign of Jinxx or Jake.

– Where are Jake and Jinxx? – Juliet asked to Andy. She was sat in his left side.

– They went to a music shop. They need new strings for the guitars – he said.

Bastards; they could have told me, I loved music shops.


We were at the music store when Andy called me. His name appeared in my phone's screen. I gave the money to Jake and answered it.

– What's up bro? – I said waiting for Jake outside the shop.

– Hey Jinxx, the girls are here, we're going to buy some fast food, you guys want? – he asked. I heard Juliet talking with Ashley from behind.

– Yeah, we'll be there in 10 minutes – I answered.

– Cool, see ya – he said.

– Bye – I hanged out and went with Jake to the car.

We arrived to the tour bus. I came in looking to my mobile phone so I didn't saw that Alex was sat on the floor and almost fell on her.

– Sorry – I said as I helped her to get up.

– No problem – she said taking my hand and standing up.

– Apparently we're falling all the time on each other – I said laughing while scratching my hair.

– Yes – she said and I could see a little blush in her face.

They looked at us not knowing what we were talking about but we didn't explain it.

Since we were the two ones that were standing up they told us to go and buy the food. We went in our rented car.

Alex and I were more comfortable around each other but after what happened last night she seemed to be uncomfortable again. She seemed nervous all the time. I was actually nervous but because I didn't know how to act now. I loved that kiss, and it made me want more. I wanted to kiss her so badly that I had to hold myself from doing it.

– I like your hair – I said. We'd been in silence since we left the tour bus.

– Thanks – she smiled and then another silence.

– Look, about last night, it was just an accident, you fell, that's all, don't be nervous or anything – I said, my eyes on the road because for me, it wasn't just an accident. I felt something in that kiss.

– I really don't know how to act – she laughed nervously. I slightly smirked.

– Just be you – I answered while parking. I stood there and turned to face her. She looked at me.

– Okay – she said smirking. Her eyes met mines and we stood there for a moment, then she went out the car. I sighed and went out too.

We ordered the food and then went back to the car. While walking, we laughed about random things and comments we did. She was laughing with me like we used to do. It felt so good.

When we arrived to the car I felt a light on us but it disappeared. A photo? I looked around finding no one.

We went back to the tour bus and had lunch. It was great, it reminded me of the old times.


We turned on the TV they had and made some zapping before finding anything interesting. Andy stopped in a channel because a photo of Jinxx and I was in it.

Reporter – Hey everyone, this is Gossip time and we have here hot news for you. This morning we took this picture of Spider Enterprise's singer Alex Moore and Black Veil Brides' guitarist Jeremy Ferguson, also known as Jinxx. The question is, are they together? They seem very happy in this picture.

More news soon, here in Gossip time.

I looked Jinxx, he looked me back. I could felt the eyes of everyone on us.

– What was that? – Ashley said laughing.

– I don't really know – I said blinking. Andy elbowed me.

– Something you didn't tell us? – he winked and laughed. I punched him playfully.

– No, we aren't dating, we were buying the food – Jinxx said. My eyes met his for a moment and I could tell he was thinking in something. He was deep in his thoughts.

Jake patted his back taking him back.

– We'd all been in something like that, if you're famous, there is going to be a rumor about you – he shrugged.

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