Chapter 12

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A couple of days after we started the tour we realized how much responsibility we had. When people usually thought about touring they imagined shows and parties, but there was much more behind. We had a strict schedule and we couldn't see almost anything about the cities we visited.

Things happened during this last days. Andy was finally dating Juliet Simms, a good friend of mind that he had had a crush on for 2 months. Jake was engaged with Ella, thing that was cool because they were such a great couple. Henry was happier after saying that he was gay. Apparently he was scared of us making fun of him. We weren't so assholes. I also heard that Devon was dating a girl in his hometown. It really hit me because we broke up like 4 or 5 days ago and he said a lot that he loved me and that stuff when we were together.

We were in Reno; it was our fifth show of the tour. We were in the backstage getting ready. Two bands came first, then BVB and then us.

While BVB was at the stage, we watched them and just relaxed with their music.

I was taking a lot of care of my voice because if I was aphonic again we wouldn't be able to play and we would miss a lot of the tour.

I was actually nervous. Even when we'd played shows before, it was our first important tour. I realized I was shaking because Jinxx looked at me with concerned eyes from his spot at the stage. I breathed to relax myself and went to revise myself in the mirror.

Black skinny jeans, Spider Enterprise t-shirt (black t-shirt with a spider in the center and the name on the top of it) and a pair of white converse. I was okay, or I thought so. But what concerned me was that something inside said to me that I was gonna fall and make a scene.

I breathed again trying to relax and that was when someone hugged me from behind. If I didn't see Jinxx's reflection in the mirror I would have kicked him in the balls. He smiled and I did too.

– Five minutes guys – our manager said as we prepared ourself for the stage.

– You're going to do it great, don't be anxious – Jinxx said wiping the sweat of his neck with a towel.

– Not so sure – I said stretching my muscles.

– Okay, here's a deal, if you do it great and nothing wrong happens, you'll go on a date with me – he said, and then drank some water. I smiled.

– I'll throw myself of the stage – I said laughing.

– Okay okay – he said standing up and going where Ashley and Andy were with a hurt expression.

– Just kidding – I said while hugging him from behind. He smiled at me. It kinda made me blushed a little bit.

Our tour manager told us to go on stage and so we did. I had to recognize that Jinxx won this deal.

So here I was, waiting for Jinxx to pick me up for our date. I was kinda unsure but the most weird part of it was that the guys were more excited than I was.

Juliet was with us because her band was in the tour. She forced me to wear a dress, heels and make up. I didn't want to wear this. I meant, that wasn't me. (~>)

She reminded me somehow to Lyra.

I went out Juliet's tour bus and walked to BVB's one. I breathed and then knocked on the door. Andy opened the door and smiled.

– This is the second time a door is opened and you're behind it like that – he said. I remembered the Dance night.

– Well, I expect this to end better than that night – I said laughing.

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