Chapter 22

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I woke up earlier than usual. I took a shower and took my time to dry my hair and to be prepare for the day.

Andy told me they were going to look for some interesting shops, so I decided to see how Jinxx was. I bought first some coffee for the both of us.

– Jinxx?... – I asked as I opened the door with one hand, in the other one the coffee.

He was kissing Sammie.

The coffee fell from my hands and spilled on the floor.

They broke the kiss to look at me. I stood there emotionless.

– Why...? – I asked, noticing the tears coming to my eyes. How I hated crying.

– Alex, this isn't what it seems – Sammie said. I just glared at her.

– Weren't you kissing each other? – I asked angrily.

– Well yes...but...but... – I cut her off.

I turned around and slammed the door behind me. Who was he to treat me like that? What the hell did I do to him?

I heard him calling my name from behind. I turned around and punched him in the cheek. He fell to the floor and looked at me wide eyed and with one hand in the cheek.

– You bastard – I yelled.

– Alex! – Lauri screamed as he came and caught me so I couldn't hit Jinxx anymore.

– Please Alex, just listen to me – Jinxx begged.

– I won't listen you anymore Jeremy, I'm so fucking tired of you lying to me, saying that you love me, that you don't feel anything for Sammie...what the hell is wrong with you?!! – the tears came down my cheeks as I yelled.

– I just needed to make sure that my feelings for her were gone... – he said looking down.

– Did you even dare to think about me before kissing that slut?! – I tried to kick him but Lauri held me.

– Alex calm down – he said, his arms wrapped around my waist.

– I-I-I'm sorry... – Jinxx said, tears coming down his eyes.

But what he didn't thought about was that I could hurt him, and I wanted to, I wanted to hurt him so hard just to make him realized how painful it was.

I made my way to unwrap Lauri's arms from me and finally kicked Jinxx in the ribs. My foot hurt, but it was worth it.

He gasped and held his side.

– I'm sorry too, but for letting you in my life. You just can't stop breaking my heart, and I'm tired Jeremy, I'm so fucking tired of this. – Lauri had caught me again and tightener so I couldn't escape.

– I don't know what to say, I'm so sorry... – I was having problems to breath, but I managed to continue.

– You're not sorry, you never were, because if you were sorry, you wouldn't have kissed her – I couldn't see well neither, the tears blurring my eyes.

– I'm begging for your forgiveness – he said.

– I'll never forgive you Jinxx, never – I turned around as I could. When Lauri noticed I wanted to go he left me and came after me.

– Alex...please... – I heard Jinxx begged. I turned around for a moment to see him in his knees, looking to the ground.

– We're over – I said bitterly.

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