Chapter 29

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I said goodbye to Lauri and went to the boarding gate. I had to recognize that I was going to miss him somehow but, right then, I was still a little pissed.

After leaving my things in the correct place I looked for my seat in the plane. At least no one was going to disturb me.

I fell asleep two hours later and woke up with 3 hours left to arrive. I ended up watching a boring film in the little wall TV I had in front of me.

The plane landed and I found myself in a two-floor airport. I was too tired to go downstairs walking so I took the elevator. Yes, call me lazy or whatever.

I should have walked downstairs.


I left Alex in the airport and, even when she told me that she was going to be okay and that we would see each other someday, I wasn't sure if I would ever see her again. You know, that bad feeling inside.

I sighed. Maybe it was just a paranoid.


After Andy ended up telling Jinxx what happened to someone, he came back and plopped in his bed.

– What's wrong? – I asked confused.

– Nothing – he sighed and went to the bathroom.

– C'mon Jinxx, you used to tell me everything – I said looking the closed door.

After five minutes of silence he came out in his normal clothes and looked at me with a pensive expression.

– Promise you won't tell anyone? – he asked. I nodded. He sighed and told me everything.

Whoa, she didn't loose the time, uh?

– The thing that I don't understand is why do you still care about her – I said frowning.

– What? – Jinxx asked surprised.

– I mean, she left you and said to you all those things... – I didn't mean to hurt him with what I said.

– Because I still love her? – he said annoyed.

– Calm down Jinxx, I didn't mean to say anything rude – I said touching his hand, but he set his aside, leaving my hand alone on the sheets of the bed.

– Sammie, leave please – his voice in a serious tone.

– What? – I said surprised.

– I'm telling you to leave, I'm not in a good mood today – he pointed the door. My eyes wide opened.

What the hell? I was only trying to help.


Jake and I were in the living room watching some TV when Sammie came downstairs murmuring things to herself.

– Hey Sammie – we both said.

– Hello – she said as she walked to the door and closed it behind her.

– What the fuck happened up there? – I asked to myself but looked at Jake. He shrugged.

We continued watching the TV until Jinxx walked downstairs too.

– Dude, what made Sammie leave in that way? – I asked.

He told us everything and we stood there in silence, looking at each other without knowing what to say.

In that moment my mobile phone buzzed. I didn't knew the number...

– Hello? – I asked turning to find Jake and Jinxx's eyes on me.


The elevator suddenly stopped. I looked myself in the lift's mirror afraid of something bad happening. It didn't help that I were the only one in there.

There was a horrible noise that came from above the elevator. The lights almost turned off twice but were still on.

The sound of metal smashing with metal came to my ears.

<<OMG please don't leave anything happen>> I thought.

Another loud and horrible noise and then something smashed against the top of the lift, but it didn't stop there. A big metal piece of something broke the ceiling and cut my right arm. A deep cut I had to say.

Pain coming from the deepest part of myself made me scream so loud that I could heard the people screaming outside. Also because of the accident.

After minutes of pain and watching how my blood escaped from my cut arm, I was unconscious.

<<Why everything happened to me?>> That was the last thought that crossed my mind before I closed my eyes.


By the face of Andy, they were bad news, really bad news.

– What's wrong? – Jake asked concerned.

– Alex's in the hospital – his voice was shaking.

– What! – I said, noticing I'd raised my voice more than necessary.

– She had an accident in the airport... – Andy was paler than usual.

– Let's go then – I almost forced them to go outside the house and into the car.

We drove to the hospital as fast as we could without trespassing the limits permitted.

Was it a hard accident? Was she okay? There were a lot of questions in my mind in that moment.


I woke up with the biggest head ache in my life. What the hell happened? I was in a white room that after a couple of minutes I recognized as a hospital room. I looked to my left to see a dropper with blood.

Ugh, did I lost too much blood?

An middle-aged doctor came in with a folder in his hands. He smiled sweetly at me and revised a paper that I hadn't seen before and that I guessed was hanging of the end of the bed.

– You were lucky, miss Moore – I frowned.

– What happened to me? – I doubted but finally asked.

– You had an accident. The piece of metal that hold the elevator where you were fell and destroyed half of the lift. You were very lucky for being in the other side of the elevator when it happened – he continued smiling but with sadness in his eyes.

– I'll tell your friends to come in – he said.

Friends? Wait, where was I?

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