Chapter 28

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After talking to Andy I felt somehow better. I continued introducing my things in the bag and then I caught my laptop and bought a ticket to LA. I had to stay until tomorrow. I sighed and accepted, it was better than nothing.

I closed my door and put on my ear buds. I just wanted to be at home again. I opened Skype. Seeing Henry was connected so I started talking to him. We turned on the cam and the microphone so we didn't need to type anything. We're lazy, don't judge us.

There was a knock on my door.

– Who's it? – Henry asked me.

– Probably Lauri – I said and sighed.

– You argued with him? – I nodded.

Another knock on the door.

– Go away – I said in the door's direction.

– Alex, please, let's talk – he said. Henry's eyes were on me.

– Now I'm the one who don't want to talk now Lauri, go away – I said harshly.

– Okay – he sighed and walked away from my door.

I continued talking to Henry until I needed to sleep since there was earlier than here.

I was about to go to bed when there was a knock on the door again. I sighed loudly.

– What – I asked angrily.

– I know you don't want to talk, I just came to tell you to look outside the window – he said in a low tone.

I frowned but stood up and looked outside the window. The northern lights decorating all the sky.

– OMG – I said to myself. They were so awesome.

I opened my window, putting on first my coat, and climbed outside and to the roof. It was cold outside, but the views were awesome.

I was so concentrated in the northern lights that I didn't notice when Lauri came and sat down next to me.

– What are you doing here? – I almost growled.

– Please, can't you forgive me? Everyone has a bad day – he said and ran a hand through his hair.

– It's not that you had a bad day, the problem is that you blamed me for not being pregnant – I spat.

He sighed.

– I know but...just...I wasn't thinking okay, please – I sighed.

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