Chapter 41

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I was in the backstage.

The only reason I was there was because Jinxx and Andy had made me come, if not, I would be in the safety of my sweet home.

*Twenty minutes before, at home*

– Do you know how much I hate you right now? – I said to all the people that was there.

– We know, Alex, it's the fifth time you told us – Ashley said, sitting down on my couch with his eyes on the TV.

– Just telling – Suddenly Juliet appeared with a dress I've buried in my closet a year ago, smiling.

– You know I'm not wearing that – I said. She pouted and came closer with the freaking dress, trying to convince me.

I pointed to Juliet.

– Can someone tell her that I can find my own clothes? Andy, watch your girlfriend! – Andy looked at us not knowing what to say. Jinxx laughed and soon was followed by Andy.

I rolled my eyes annoyed as Juliet came after me to my room. I finally found some clothes I liked and put them on, leaving my pajamas on my bed.

*Back to the present*

Since I couldn't escape and I would have to face the crowd in the end, I decided I would expend my time relaxing myself. I sat down on the couch with my eyes closed and my ear buds on, my favorite music filling my ears.

After fifteen minutes like that, I turned off my mp4 and came closer to the stage, hearing the cheers of the crowd.

I looked back worried to find Jinxx with his eyes on me. He stood up and came closer, hugged me and kissed my head.

– Everything is going to be okay – he smiled.

– That's so easy to say – I murmured, rubbing his hand with my thumb.


– Five minutes guys – our manager, Roger, said. I sighed and turned around, all of them with their eyes on me.

– What? – I asked raising an eyebrow.

Suddenly everybody hugged me. When they separated I looked at them.

– You're fucking crazy – I laughed. I had to recognize that they were being so supportive that I was almost believing that I could do it.

Roger made us a sign to. I breathed deeply and left Jinxx's hand as I ran to the front of the stage.

I took another deep breath and caught the microphone.

– How ya doing, LA? – They all cheered. I looked to the backstage and everyone gave me thumbs up. I smiled looking to the floor.

– Before starting the concert, I'd like to share something with you – The crowed went silent. Ibreathed deeply. Wasn't I breathing too much?

– I had an accident a week ago more or less and I was afraid of coming here tonight – I laughed a little – I guess soon or later everybody was going to know it, so I'll just tell it by myself – I asked Mikey to help me to take of my leather jacket.

There were different answers to that, and the flashes were on me pretty soon. People doing photos with mobile phones and cameras, possibly even making recordings. I scratched my hair not knowing what to do.

Suddenly there was a collective cheer behind me. I turned around and found everybody that was in the backstage on stage and cheering my name with my band mates. A minute ago all the crowd was cheering my name too.

This fuckers. I smiled as I felt the tears coming to my eyes.

– You are going to make me cry, thank you, like really, thank you – I said into the microphone.

My friends left the stage and it was time for the concert to start.

– So, I hope you all remember this song! – My mates started one of our first songs and I started singing, feeling that I could do it and if I wanted, even more.


When the concert finished, I received Alex with open arms, but she was too excited to stay in the backstage to relax. She wanted to go to the meet & greet.

A lot of people was there, wanting Alex's autographs and photos with her and the rest of the band.

You could clearly tell that Spider Enterprise was back and stronger than ever.

Alex turned around and looked at me smiling. She mouthed “I love you” and “Thank you”. I nodded smiling. She was so happy it was impossible not to feel great near her.


There was a party after the show, but we didn't stay too much time. A concert makes you be tired, and Alex had been very stressed before it, so I understood it when she told me she wanted to go home.

When we arrived to her house I followed her to her bedroom and sat on the bed while she got her pajamas and went to the bathroom.

– Alex? – I asked resting my back on the frame of the bathroom's door.

– Mm? – She answered from the inside of the shower.

– I was thinking that maybe we could, ya know, live together – I scratched the back of my head.

She turned off the shower and came out, taking a towel and wrapping it around her body.

– Are you talking seriously? – She asked with her eyes on me. I nodded.

– We've been through a lot and we're always staying in each other's house, so, why not? – I had my arms crossed on my chest, but in a casual way, I wasn't angry or anything like that.

She thought about it for a moment.

– Yeah, that sounds good – she smiled sweetly and pecked my lips. I smirked back and went out of the bathroom, laying on her bed, feeling really happy in that moment.


Can you believe it? I was going to live with Jinxx, with my sweet boyfriend. I dried my hair fast with a towel and came out of the bathroom.

I saw Jinxx on my bed and couldn't help but smile.

– So, where do you think we should live? – I asked laying next to him. He smiled leaning on his right elbow.

– Well, since I'm living with Jake, I could come here, or we could buy a new house – he shrugged.

– Hmm...well, it would be nice finding a new place where we both are comfortable, but could live here with me – I said, coming closer with a smile plastered in my lips.

– That doesn't sound too bad – he leaned closer smirking too.

We kissed and I knew that no matter where we were, my heart was with this man that was next to me. And I was happy with that.


Thanks to everyone that had read my story and I'll be back soon with more :D Hope you all liked it!!!!

There is a sequel to this so go and take a look at it, fell free to tell me what you think about it :)

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