Chapter 38

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– And what am I supposed to do Jinxx? – I asked simply. What should I ask? What should I say? It was the simplest thing that came to my mind.

He looked at me as if he was about to ask the same thing.

– I don't know... – he slightly shrugged.

I had this feeling inside that I needed to hug him. I mean, look at him. He seemed so sad and hopeless.

– I love you Alex – he said lifting his eyes, meeting mine.

I didn't expect that. His eyes stayed at me while I was thinking.

– I-I love you too...but that isn't the problem and you know it – I rested my hand on the side of his face.

For a moment he closed his eyes, but then he opened them just to show more sadness.

– And what's the problem? – he questioned.

I swallowed and looked down while leaving my hand fall from his face to my leg.

– Can you accept that I've lost half of the arm and that I'm not going to have it back never? – I finally asked.

He stayed quite. I waited for a minute but there was no answer. I sighed and stood up, coming back to the back of the TV.

<< The red usb goes in the first entry and the blue usb in the second entry>> I thought to myself while connecting my laptop to the TV.

I heard Jinxx mumbled something, more like whispered something.

– Did you say something? – I turned around and looked at him.

He put his eyes on me.


What was I supposed to answer to that question? Yeah I can accept it and we'll live happily forever and after?

I've met the Alex with two arms, it took me some time to even accept that she had an accident...

I felt her sigh, but I was too deep in my thoughts to stop her from going back to where she was working.

After a moment thinking it all clicked in my mind.

– Of course I can accept it – I mumbled, more like whispered to myself.

– Did you say something? – she turned around and looked at me.

My eyes flew from my hands to meet her eyes.

– I said of course I can accept it – I answered to the question she made minutes ago.

– Are you talking seriously? Because I'm tired of these false expectations... – she asked. I knew what she was afraid of.

Here we go again (Jinxx love story)Where stories live. Discover now