Chapter 2

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I woke up when the sunlight hit my face. I curled to the other side but mum called me from downstairs.

– Jeremy! Wake up, it 11 pm already! – she said.

I sighed with my face buried in my pillow but got up and went downstairs.

– Mum, it's Saturday, why can't I just be in bed like...all day? – I said, she smiled.

I ate some toasts and went back to my room. There were a lot of boxes with things written on them so I decided to start unpacking. I took out of a big box my posters and put them on the walls. Let's see how much time you are there.

I continued unpacking for a long time when mum called from downstairs again. It was 2 pm already??

I went to the kitchen and had lunch with her. I loved my mum, we liked the same stuff. Since my the divorce, I was very close to her.

We watched some TV together after lunch and then she said what I didn't want her to say.

– Why don't you go and met the neighbors? I've heard they have a daughter of your age – she said and patted my leg. I sighed.

– I really have to? – I asked. She smiled. Probably she was one of the posh girls.

– Move your lazy ass Jeremy – I sighed and stood up.

I took my keys and went to the neighbors front door. I knocked it and was going to leave because nobody opened it when I heard a "wait!" from the other side. That voice...?

A girl with black hair opened the door. She was covered with just a towel. I looked at her shocked. She lifted her face and looked at me.

– Jeremy? – she smiled.

– Alex, your my neighbor? – I was still shocked. And seeing her with just a towel on wasn't helping.

– It's seems yes – we stood there in silence.

– Do you want something? – she asked. Her hair dropping.

– I-I just came to say hi to the neighbors because my mum told me to – I shrugged nervous.

– Oh, I see... – she smiled but she seemed a little disappointed.

– Do you want to come in? – she asked and shrugged.

I thought about it.

– Yes, why not, but...I'm not interrupting you? – I asked looking at the towel that covered her body. She smiled.

– Just wait in the living room five minutes and I'll be ready – she said letting me in. I nodded, went to the living room and sat down on the couch.


It was supposed to be a normal Saturday, but apparently mu parents had to work today too, so I was alone at home again. I sighed as I grabbed a juice bottle from the fridge and a glass.

I drank some juice and then decided to play some Xbox games. I ate the food my mum prepared for me before she left and then decided to take a shower.

I was taking the longest shower of my life when I heard a knock on the door. Shit!

I grabbed a towel and put it covering my body and ran downstairs.

– Wait! – I said and a moment after I opened the door.

I expected some kid who lost a ball but there stood Jeremy with shocked eyes.

– Jeremy? – I smiled. What was he doing here?

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