Chapter 10

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I had a bruise decorating my arm where Devon had pressed. I sighed and decided to see if Jinxx was okay. It was the less thing I could do after he saved me from being who knew what by Devon.

Andy said Devon was okay and that he was asleep in the bedroom. I knocked on the guests room's door and then opened it to find Jinxx looking at me with tired eyes.

– Hey – he said and yawned.

He wasn't hurt, just one or two bruises, but Devon had a broken lip and eyebrow.

– Hi – I said as I sat down next to him. He smiled. He was a little drunk, but still able to think.

– Thanks for protecting me before – I said lifting my eyes to meet his.

– You know I would never let anyone hurt you in front of me – he said taking my hand. I doubted for a moment but decided to let him.

– He isn't like that, but since we're breaking today, he decided to get drunk – I sighed. He looked at me misunderstanding.

– You're breaking today? Why? – he questioned. I looked down.

– Too much time away one from the other one – I sighed.

I lifted my eyes from my hands to have his lips against mines.

My eyes wide opened, his closed. When he opened them and separated himself from me, I stood up nervously.

– We have to sleep, tomorrow starts the tour – I said not knowing where to look.

– Wait Alex – he said, standing up too, but I made my way to the door and opened it.

– Goodnight Jeremy – I said and went outside the room.

After closing the door I leaned my back against it and touched my lips with two fingers. The kiss was awesome but...but I didn't know if I could trust him enough as to leave this happen.


– Wait Alex – I said standing up too, but she made her way to the door and opened it.

– Goodnight Jeremy – Alex said and went outside the room.

– Wait...I'm sorry – I said to myself because she had already left the room.

I sighed and rested my head against the door. Stupid, stupid, stupid. She was opening her feelings and I ruined everything again.

I sighed and went to the bathroom. I looked myself in the mirror and sighed heavily. She would never love me. I didn't deserve her anyway.

I opened my bag and took my headache pills. What if I took more than three. Would I die? I asked to myself.

I sat down on the bed with the pills in my hand. I counted them; there were 7.

Should this be the end for me?


After the fight I went to see if Jinxx was okay. Even when Devon received the worst part, I was worried about Jinxx. Not physically but mentally.

I saw Alex left the room and going upstairs so I decided that it was time to talk to him. I made my way to the door and knocked twice. There was no answer.

I knocked a third time and then opened the door to find an unconscious Jinxx on the bed.

– Oh my god – I said while running next to him and taking his wrist. His heart was still beating.

I took my mobile phone and called an ambulance. After it I took him as I could and went to the living room.

Lyra and Drake looked me with surprised eyes.

– What happened? – they asked, catching the attention of the other ones except for Devon who was asleep in his room.

Alex walked downstairs and her eyes went wide when she saw him.

– My God – she said and covered her mouth with her hands as she went next to Lyra. Lyra instantly hugged her.

The ambulance came and asked who was going with him. Since Alex was crying, Lyra was with her and the other ones were a little bit drunk, I decided to go.

Not too much after we were at the hospital and Jinxx was surrounded by three doctors that carried him to some place I wasn't allowed in.


We arrived at the hospital and found Andy in a waiting room. When he saw me he stood up and opened his arms for me. I walked to him and buried my face in his chest.

He hugged me until a doctor came and asked for the familiars of Jeremy.

– Here – Andy said, catching everyone's attention.

– Jeremy is okay now, but he is asleep and probably will be asleep until tomorrow. We cleaned his stomach but he took a lot of pills – I breathed in relief.

– Can we see him? – I found myself asking.

– Yes, but only one person can stay during the night so hurry up – he said and left.

We looked at each other.

– I'll stay – I said. Everyone looked at me but then nodded.

– What about the tour? – Ashley asked. I frowned to myself.

– You guys take the plane tomorrow, I'll take the next one with Jeremy – I said. Andy tensed his arms and I realized that he was still hugging me.

Everyone went in and saw him but Andy and me.

– You'll be okay? – he asked. I nodded.

– He is alive Andy. Now I really know what I want. For a moment in the house I thought he was dead, and I felt myself dying as well – I said, tears coming to my eyes again.

Andy hugged me again and kissed my forehead, then went in the room.

Ashley, Jake and Drake went out and waved me goodbye. Lyra came out as well with Johnny and they left too.

Not too much time after Andy went out. Now it was time for me to come in.

When I saw him laying in bed, something hurt inside me. He was so lifeless, so pale. I sat down next to him and just watched how he slept.

A nurse came in twice asking if I needed something during the night. I just denied and continued watching him. I didn't sleep. I wasn't able to do it.

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